>>7281I am watching Acro Trip. It is very funny, i was expecting it to be fun but not funny, i was wrong.
Good laughs were had so far.
>>7292When is MahoAko season 2 coming out anyway?? I heard it got announced a while ago.
>>7297A fourth episode is out
I'm not saying it's bad but I dunno man…I'm having fun watching it but I doubt I'll remember it by fall season next year except in reaction pictures.
>>7298Oh, right.
4* episodes in and it's yet to disappoint. As a matter of fact, it's been my AOTS since the first.
>I'm having fun watching it but I doubt I'll remember it by fall season next year except in reaction pictures.Memorability is overrated. There's nothing bad about a good story sticking to its strengths, then waving goodbye in the end. Lots of shit shows have lived on through the decades.
>>7299I guess so, we just are using different definitions of good then. It's very enjoyable so far, I'll agree on that much.
>>7302Decided to give Trillion game a try. It covers becoming rich much in the same way dragonball covers martial arts. They wanna get rich for the sake of getting rich. Their approach towards start-ups is the most hilariously realistic I've seen, I'll give them that much. I hope at some point there will be some character motivations thrown into the mix but it would remain hilariously realistic if there aren't any beyond that.
They're currently doing a hackathon and I finally got to understand what hacker capture the flag is. I always thought it was like an FPS game capture the flag except both teams would protect/attack each others' flags through cryptographic shenanigans.
Dude in the pic calls himself the most selfish man in the world but he's the most selfless guy I've ever seen outside the mirror. Everyone in this anime has chiseled chins which reminds me of a gintama parody.
Entertaining so far but nothing to write home about.
File: 1730326607683.jpg (Spoiler Image, 169.4 KB, 1920x1080, [Erai-raws] Sengoku Youko ….jpg)

AAAAAAAAH Sengoku Youko is so cool!
>>7415I thought is was a huge step down from season 1. Llenn barely did anything until the finale and the twist made no sense to me. They hype up Major but she doesn't do much either, just trades for one of the side characters so they can set up the climax fight. I guess if you like psycho Pitou that makes up for the shortcomings.
>>7422The stakes in S1 were so insanely high I wholly expected them to go in a different direction. In this case, character interactions, a bit more spotlight over less featured members of the cast and following the other main teams to see how they made it to the final stage. My main concern thus far had been the pacing but they managed to rein it in somewhat. The only thing I can complain about was
M-san not dying.. Pito was super cute but she isn't carrying the show for me.
>>7428That's not her buttcheeks
>>7435>>7428>>7433green eyes and pink hair is such a nice combo
>>7433Acro Trip ended in a weird way that did not resemble an ending. That said, it was a good anime worth the time.
I read that it was the 6th most popular show in Japan, to me, the possibility of an OVA with an episode or three is there.
>>7472Yeah, it had no resolution. I didn't mind though, I felt like most questions that arose during the season were answered anyway, even if implicitly. Apparently, it ended halfway the manga, so I am praying for more.