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Showing Wednesday 9:30 p.m. CST at AMC Northpark 15 in Dallas, TX!
Anyone nearby interested in seeing Koyomi Vamp?
See review if you’re not familiar with the Monogatari series.

Again, AMC Northpark 15 in Dallas! One day only! The cost is ≈$18, and runtime is 2 hrs 24 mins (184 mins). Only comfy sushi guys, gals, and anybody in between are welcome. Preorder tickets or get them there, be respectful, and know the code word: Seisatsu!
See you there!


Not from Dallas, so can't come unfortunately. But I heard this is fairly similar to the original Kizu trilogy with content cut out? Though it must be nice to view it in a theater.


Yes, there’s some content cut, and some content added, helping the compiled trilogy appeal to a greater audience. It’s Monogatari regardless, but I’d also like to say I saw this in a theater.


PSA to comfy sushi folk nearby Dallas: About a day remains to get tickets! Order online here https://www.fandango.com/kizumonogatari-koyomi-vamp-2024-237358/movie-overview

In theaters one day only. Be there!


One hour left!

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