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Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics
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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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Hibike! Euphonium is beautiful and S02E05 is best thing I experienced in my whole adventure with anime.
I can not find adequate words to describe the cruelty KyoAni encountered.


it does feel like the end of innocence in a way, like it's heralding a new era. makes me wonder what the 2020s have in store.


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same here

The whole incident made me reflect on the things I value and took for granted. The impact KyouAni had on anime internet culture is undeniably a big deal.

All the sweet images of K-on girls or Lucky Star reaction icons suddenly have a sting to them.

people fucking died in fire

It feels like a second 9/11 on a personal level.


I just rewatched the first season for the second time, and I'm still floored. I love this it so much.


Nobody really seems to know. There could be light at the end of the tunnel, but there’s nothing we can do other than speculate at this point.
It’s even sadder than it was, stuff like Lucky Star and K-ON was so distant but now it’s somewhat tragic along with that.




God knows… The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 【涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱】


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Who is excited for the new season? I have been waiting years..!!


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