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Won't forget Mya-nee


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How could I forget TITS LIKE THESE!!!!!!


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CAN'T forget
I have the non censored one saved as accordion.gif


She is so fucking hot


I mean it, she's one of if not the hottest 2D girl I've seen, I've been infatuated with her ever since wataten aired


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Is the anime/manga she comes from normalfag unfriendly? I was reading through Uzaki-chan but dropped it at the moment the protagonist comes up with a "friend" that is an absolute normalfag


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>normalfag unfriendly
I don't really know what you mean by this. I haven't read the manga but the anime is about a college aged girl who is infatuated with her little sister's elementary-school-aged friend. So uh, I'd say the premise alone is probably likely to make certain types of people balk. As for the characters, Mya-nee is certainly not a normal person, and the lolis are, well, lolis. It's definitely worth watching though, I think it's quite funny and even heartwarming too when it isn't doing the humor. Just don't go in expecting anything other than a comedy with some sweet moments.


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>I don't really know what you mean by this
That it doesn't remind you of how to live your life, which tends to be to the normal standards (ie: manga indirectly says "have sex or your life is boring").
I had enough happen to me to know that way of thinking is just a lie.


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That is a really specific example I don't think I've ever seen in anime. Usually the advice is something like "clean your room" or "be nice to people". In any case, you won't find that in this anime. At most, Mya-nee comes out of her shell of her own volition and for her own interests.


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