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File: 1699200758384.jpg (76.17 KB, 600x600, FIGURE-161991.jpg)


Mushroom girls!


File: 1699225002179.jpg (117.63 KB, 600x600, FIGURE-149564.jpg)

These figures are beautiful. Things like this make me wish, I had more money to spare.


oh these are awesome
I might have to get one


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I own the first one they did. She's the only figure I own that isn't based on an existing character.
It came with a cute booklet with illustrated assembly instructions and mushroom information.

The two little mushroom figures next to her are unrelated mushroom figures, but they fit nicely.

Ended up passing on this one, even though it was tempting.
Now she is tempting me too!

I'd have to get them all.


Wow! Very cute! I like the bonus mushrooms with her.


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the other mushroom girl


is it too late to buy them? I love this one especially


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The image you replied to sold in December of last year, so you are a tad late and you likely won't be able to get her for retail. But the second hand market exists. There is a preowned one on amiami for a little under double the retail price.

The black one in the initial post releases in November, but most preorders are sold out. If you want her you can probably pay attention to store fronts around when she releases to see if they get any extra stock. Same story for the attached image, preorder sold out on most stores. But this one releases in January 2025.

It's a set of figures I really love the appearance of, but I don't own any of them myself.

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