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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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File: 1590023617358.jpg (390.53 KB, 950x1280, 1589415322650.jpg)


I made a thread similar to this on lainchan but I figured I'd post it here as well. Post instances you can find of anime being referenced or mentioned outside of Japan, pre-toonami!

Here's some cool shit I found!
The first time Cartoon Network aired anime! This was in 1995, a few years before toonami!

Full recordings of when the Sci-fi channel used to air anime back in the 90s, complete with commercials in between and the aesthetic VHS quality!

Some anime commercials from the 90s

And of course pic related


File: 1590073099295.gif (3.94 KB, 75x100, trixie1a.gif)

Does this count?

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