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Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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Another year, another season.
What are you watching sushi?


I finished Bocchi the Rock! yesterday


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January 13th, 2023.
Good-bye, Ash.


Maybe he can finally grow up.


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really cool visuals


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This girl has the smile of an angel


He's been around 10 for, what, 10 years? Maybe we can check back on him in 60 years when he's in his 40s


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Can't wait for this year's DRAM FESTIVAL FOR PERSON TO LIKE DRAM. Already got my ticket and booked a hotel, gonna be pretty hype


Drinking a dram while I dram on my drams


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At this point, it seems like these two might actually become a couple by the end of the season. I'm highly doubting that it'll actually happen though, and I hate that this show is getting my hopes up.


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Ice Queen Keroli, taking an ice bath while the other girls are in the onsen.


That's a good name


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It feels weird seeing this arc happen so fast when this part of the manga took forever.


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I want to give Bachiko-sensei a shoulder ride.


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never heard of this show but these girls are very cute and beautiful

I like the pink one she has gremlin energy


I felt it was a little silly so I'm glad multiple episodes weren't spent on it. But maybe it only came off as silly cuz it was rushed.

In any case Tomo-chan has pleasantly surprised me with having some actual developments between all the characters, even if Misuzu and Carol do kinda overshadow Tomo and Jun as interesting characters (imo, and I say this as a tomboy fan)


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Yeah I think the target demographic is more towards middle-school age, but it's pretty comfy and has a lot of cute girls.


>I think the target demographic is more towards middle-school age

And yumejoshi.
Can't forget the yumejoshi.


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It's over. After months of production delays it's finally over. Sadly this may be the end of the anime project, but the game project looks like it's still going on for now.


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wtf not the ending I was expecting

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