>>3782I'm also interested in Spy x Family since I liked the manga even though I only read a small bit of it.
Aharen-san wa Hakarenai looks like it could be cute and maybe fill the Senpai ga Uzai shaped hole in my heart
Summertime Render had an interesting PV but I'm 50/50 on if I'll actually enjoy it
Virgin Road looks very pretty, so I'll be checking it out
The attached video for Healer Girl also interested me
>>3784>>3779I've been reading spy x family since it came out so I'll 100% be picking that one up
I guess I need to pick up Kaguya out of basic responsibility, DaL just to fast-forward through every episode for Kurumi.
Summertime Render I remember really liking the manga but I feel as if now that I know how it goes it'll be far less appealing.
>KingdomWhat the fucking hell is that shit still going on
>>3868The singing scene this time was exceptionally impressive.
I wish the setup was a little more impactful than just "oops we found a random lady who's in labor" but even with the contrived setup it got me a little emotional.
I can't wait to see more healing scenes, maybe with higher stakes, in the future
>>3871>>3872Shame on me for not realizing this is a studio 3Hz original. Picked up.
>>3872I love the CHO-TTO MA-TTE at 1:50
Onipan has EXTREMELY cute amateur seiyuu performances and sakuga to boot. I made a webm of it but it won't fit so watch it here pls: fun first episode
Yellow a best
>>3893REAL strong AIURA vibes
>>3895I never saw that one, would you recommend it?
>>3896Not that roll but definitely! It's 12 episodes with a runtime of 4 minutes each so it won't take too much of your time but it can be considered a lite version of Yuyushiki as they're similar in terms of atmosphere and character interactions (coincidentally they both aired on the same season, same day), except the seiyuu of the main trio don't have many roles and their performances are more akin to Onipan's.
>>3897 KANI KANI KANI KANI No.3900
>>3896It was ok. I really enjoyed the seiyuu delivery in it and that's what that onipan clip reminded me of. Character design is also somehow similar to me.
>>3893the way she says "TANOSHII" is really cute for some reason
>>3903Kana was extremely cute in this shot
And extremely cute in general
She was my favorite but I think as of episode 4 she is tied with Hibiki who had some really great moments this episode and last
>>3903>not as great as the third episodeI agree. There wasn't enough Sonia in it.
>I think the grumpy doctor who hates singing felt a little forced and corny in a show that is already a little bit saccharine.Pls understand, they've been singing the same song for well over an hour. Joking aside while the show might seem a bit saccharine I don't think it wants to be perceived that way, and I have a slight feeling that the tone might shift a bit if it dives more into the medical stuff and tries to raise the stakes. Maybe to contrast carefree apprentice-hood with the
real thing. Makes me wonder if we're going to get any backstory on the experiences of these three cupcakes.
>>3906hair-down Sonia a cute!
>while the show might seem a bit saccharine I don't think it wants to be perceived that wayI'm not sure, to be honest. They have things happen that are serious but the way they're written is just a little bit too clumsy and sentimental for me to take them seriously. It feels like a kids show at times in that way, and I'm not sure if it's intentional or not. I still get a little emotional at the singing scenes though, music is OP. And like I said seeing the girls interact is a big highlight, they're wonderful together.
>I have a slight feeling that the tone might shift a bit if it dives more into the medical stuff and tries to raise the stakes. I would be interested if it went in that direction yeah. The OP has some pretty crazy shots in it that might hint at more serious songs that need singing. Given how fast the girls got their provisional licenses I wonder if we're gonna keep up this pace and follow them all the way to becoming pro healers.
>>3923incredibly sexy brown tanlines girl aside, the second episode of this was pretty cool. It's got high production values and the premise, while not the most original thing in the world, works great and keeps me engaged
Summertime Rendering continues to be really fun. It's very briskly paced and never boring, and I'm excited to learn more about the mystery/supernatural stuff going on. It's a little edgy and occasionally a little silly for my normal tastes (the MC has heterochromia and holds a gun to his own head during the OP) but it all works within the atmosphere of the show so far. And I'd much rather have the MC be unrealistically cool and confident in this kind of show than have him be super dense like some tend to be.
That said, what the heck was he thinking
chasing Ushio here if he knows the real one is dead? I guess I'll find out when I watch the next episode.
File: 1652486979344.png (Spoiler Image, 2.51 MB, 1920x1080, [EMBER] Summertime Renderi….png)

>>3945Well that all escalated rather quickly
I *was* thinking this was too tame and understated so far to be a popular shounen lol
>>3964I have never been a great fan of modern dance music either but that didn't take all that much from the experience. The music isn't too annoying and is incorporated into the show quite well.
What I think makes the show actually worth watching are the actually lighthearted and comfy characters and animation that while nothing spectacular is quite fluid and makes for a great show to watch on a lazy weekend.
>>3966>Dear Strong Bad, how do you play the keyboard with penguin flippers on?wow, that reference brought me back www
>>3963>>3964>>3965I'm gonna read Romance of the Three Kingdoms just so I can enjoy this show better.