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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1589985236734.7z (1.67 KB, miko.7z)


For those interested, I tried out using Samachan's theme here and it looks very much 1:1 as it originally appeared back on Samachan, as long as you have Yotsuba B selected and use this to override that.

To use Samachan's theme, copy and paste miko.css contents in User CSS in [Options] to the top right of the page, and make sure you select Yotsuba B in the General tab.


File: 1589993544223.jpg (118.54 KB, 853x480, vlcsnap-2018-10-02-22h11m1….jpg)

Finally, I can fake screenshots of samachan for years to come!


I'll look at installing it as an option later.


Overlord was such a good LN with such a bad show
I honestly will never understand the budgeting decisions for anime. Season 1 I can see because it was probably just filler for the B team, but once you've made the decision to make a second season surely it makes sense to put more money into it?


Counterpoint: If it did well with low budget, does it really need more?


File: 1590023564685.jpg (739.56 KB, 1920x1080, [polished] Soredemo Machi ….jpg)

Oh gosh
I tried it and it's kinda neat
But it also feels kinda wrong…


File: 1590027343700.webm (366.33 KB, 853x480, excited cake.webm)

Just tried it and it's really nice but I agree with >>50, it feels a sorta weird to use it


Yeah I get what you mean, I just thought of giving it a spin just to see if it looked as expected is all


No, but also yes because for some reason people start not only not adding budget to shows but paring budget back. CGfests is what I'm thinking of in particular.


File: 1590040394942.png (91.39 KB, 338x385, 1569121977126.png)

How can it be wrong when it feels so good?


File: 1590053377769.png (41.28 KB, 276x190, 1582856778038.png)

This is pretty neat. Someday I'll learn to write my own CSS themes. Someday…

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