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Slow loop is an airing anime about some girls who are doing fly fishing! I thik it's really nice. What do you think? Here is a thread to discuss that show.


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I liked the first episode. Hiyori is super cute, I like her deep-ish voice and she looks too perfect with the necktie. Love her.

It's interesting how much potential family drama there is in this show. I wonder if they'll explore much of how Hiyori feels about her dead dad or stepfather


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Seems like there's gonna be a cooking aspect to this show as well as the fishing. I hope Koharu makes something every episode. I'm interested in trying what she did here, seems like an easy tasty thing to make.


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I think even the most loosely applied yuri-goggles would let you see something here.

Also I don't think I've ever seen NBR sibling yuri but I'm here for it.


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Strong second episode, I like this show so far. The new girl is an interesting character, and I like her being Hiyori's "non fishing friend" in the cast. I have to say I wasn't expecting as serious a plotline as they went with, but I think they handled it surprisingly well. The flashback to Hiyori's father's death was pretty emotional, and I think Koi feeling guilt over them growing apart was a realistic and relatable response.

I do think Koharu is pretty boring so far compared to the other two, she's just kinda genki and dumb. She's cute and I don't find her annoying though, so it's a minor complaint.


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I love the cute outfits in the OP!


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The chibi forms in this show can be pretty cute


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look at how flat she is though


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for peak fishing performance of course


DFC is love, she's super cute. Her Seiyuu has this listed as her only role so far too and I think she's doing a great job, her voice is adorable.


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need more happy koi and meido hiyori


Maid Hiyori is WAY TOO CUTE I want her to serve me food and be super shy about it >_<


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I do not trust Koi. This character is certainly hiding something.


hiding the fact that she's best girl from people with bad taste :^)


They really have cgdct for everything…


This isn't even the only fishing one.

I'm waiting on Chess girls though, still nothing for that.


Yes, I see boobies.

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