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Anyone watch this yet? I was really impressed by the first episode.


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I thought it looked like more of a kids anime, but it's super interesting so far. The premise is there's a deaf prince who everyone kind of looks down on for being deaf and dumb, but he'll eventually have to become a king. There's a cool little shadow creature, lots of potentially interesting characters, and the animation and artstyle are both really striking.


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The king is an absolute fucking unit
I like this trope in anime/games where the "normal" size range for humans is exaggerated to complement their personality or abilities


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I like this snake guy too. Probably gonna be a villain?


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webm of how nice the animation is


Just finished the second episode. Wow, that was a lot of suffering. I really like the shadow guy now though


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And now I'm all caught up! Third episode was great, we got the start of a proper adventure and several plot threads started. I'm really liking all the characters in this. Was nice to see the mom get some characterization.


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What the fuck was up with this though? I hope we get an explanation of some sort. It was actually kinda creepy with how suddenly it happened


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This fight scene was sick
I have to believe that Bebin isn't really dead though, especially since we still don't know what happened with him and Kage, and he was mentioned by the big three headed snake. He got swallowed up by the earth after he collapsed there but after what happened to the king I have no idea what could be going on.

I also like the trope of saving a strange, small, animal and having it grow up to be huge and powerful. Overall this show really nails the storybook feeling while also being heartwarming and cool and interesting


This anime surprised me alot, if it keeps up with the quality it'll be the best of the season for sure.

We have 20 more episodes to find out; plus given all the mystery, i think more stuff like that will happen.

The snake was so cool, and how she (?) got her scars too. I think we'll get some more back-story for her too.



>We have 20 more episodes to find out
Oh I didn't know this was gonna have that many episodes, that's great news.
>I think we'll get some more back-story for her too
Yeah I'm curious about her relationship with Bebin


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When he asked Hokuro about blind loyalty i did not think this is what he was talking about, i thought he had someone else who was helping Bojji in the shadows, not (presumably) the Queen ordering murder.

>Oh I didn't know this was gonna have that many episodes, that's great news.
Yeah, i was very surprised when i found out too.


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The wilderness king and this big soul monster were my favorite parts of the episode. Things like that and the casual pit to hell are nice bits of worldbuilding that really help sell me on the idea that this takes place in a fantastical storybook world.
I think it was Daida who ordered the assassination, the mirror was telling him to. My personal theory right now is that Domas is secretly really cowardly despite being a good person and doesn't know how to do anything other than be loyal. It would kind of fit with how dismissive he was of Bojji's fighting style in the first episode, calling it "not the swordsmanship of a king" etc.


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Smol Bojji



>The wilderness king
Do you think he is one of the former #1 kings that went mad?

I agree with what you said about Domas but i think it was the queen who ordered the assassination because of how she dropped the cup and looked resigned. However it doesn't fit with she healing Bojji and caring a lot about him.


I saw an interesting theory that it was Domas who poisoned Bojji's meat, and the knives were thrown by either Kage or Bebin to protect him. We don't know what Bebin discussed with Kage after catching him and it makes me wonder if he's not less of an antagonist as he seems. There's also the possibility that he "died" to Apeas on purpose or sent a clone or something so as not to have to kill him, since his corpse melted away.
Oh shit I didn't consider that about the wild king, that's a neat idea. Wonder if we'll see him again or if he was just shown for some worldbuilding.


And we got a another king now, i wonder how of them there are. Bojji's brother got ranked 70 something, right?

That theory proved to be true


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holy SHIT.
This show man. I guess I was right about Domas just being weak willed but good at heart. Super interesting character.
It was great to see Kage come to the rescue there. Still curious about Bebin and his relationship with the king, and what happened with him and Apeas.
New king looks cool.


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This whole bizarre alchemy sequence was fucking awesome. They really sold the Mirror as being privy to some kind of ancient arcane tradition. It really seems like they're setting up the Mirror as an even bigger antagonist than Daida. I have to wonder if he won't redeem himself somehow with how strong willed he's being against her, but I'd have a hard time forgiving him for trying to kill Bojji


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I suppose the demon that came out of the king is some kind of ally/spell of the mirror then as well, since he was down with all the frozen monsters


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And then there's THIS line (along with the easily-missed bit about Bojji being cursed). This show does a great job at keeping me guessing and invested.


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Oh and who the heck are these people? Are they the same person? Are they the mirror? Why was she watching Apeas kill a griffin?


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Well I had this question answered for me. Several more have been raised though. I guess I'll just have to wait to figure out what her deal is. She clearly has Apeas by the balls somehow, which I suppose makes sense if his deal is being super loyal to King Bosse. But I have to wonder why Bosse wanted Bojji to succeed him instead of Daida, especially since the mirror said Daida was "precious to her".


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I like the architecture in the underworld kingdom


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RIP to this poor orc who just went up to buy bread and got fucking bisected lol


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>teleports behind you


That's a Cthululu, not that demon, or am i missing something?

The curses he refered to is what i'm most interessed right now. It may be that Bosse got his powers unnaturally, suffered the consequences but also got Bojji cursed too. The shadow clan curse is also a curious idea.

I'm also curious about that statue's face.

They even made sure to show the orc was a good guy and that the people didn't mind him, poor guy…


>That's a Cthululu, not that demon, or am i missing something?
You aren't I was just saying that since the king ended up down there the mirror must have had some way to transport him there after he got disappeared by the demon.


Really like this show so far. If it turns out well it might even become a favorite


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Time for Bojji to become super strong Bojji


His weapon will be his cooking, he'll throw his food into people and poison them.


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Great episode as always. I'm curious to see what kind of secret training Bojji's been doing. The reveal at the end was super cool. It was also nice seeing Kage and Bojji's daily lives living with the trainer dude. I was wary of him at first since he was so greedy and got beat up but he seems to be legit. I appreciate how you can never really tell everything about the characters in this show from just seeing them once, it makes them feel realistic and three-dimensional

Also interesting line from the Mirror about sacrificing "another one of her sons". I wasn't expecting her to be a body stealer.


>Also interesting line from the Mirror
What if it was King Bosse instead of the Mirror that said that?
King Bosse even appeared out of nowhere to save the people from the evil creatures, so he may be just another stolen body as well.


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Looks like we finally get an explanation


Just caught up with todays episode. What the fuck Bosse?
>sell your soul to a demon and curse your son so you can give him a good life
>get resurrected, killing your second son
>order your 2nd wife get killed
the fuck is this man doing


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God damn the fight against the dogs was amazing.
Also Hiling is such a good mom, I really hope Dorshe can protect her. I still have no idea what the fuck Bosse is thinking. On one hand it sounds like he's being coerced into something by the mirror, because of what he said about "just going with the flow", but on the other hand he was awfully chummy with her, dancing around with her puppet form and ordering Hiling's assassination so casually (even if he was counting on Dorshe to protect her)


I'm excited for Hokuro and Domas going off to train and redeem themselves. Still mad at Domas but he at least seems to have a lot of remorse for his weakness to authority. I also feel bad for Daida but I'm not sure I can ever forgive him for ordering Domas to kill Bojji in the first place.


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what a fucking boss


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caught up with this today so I could watch the new episode, what a great show so far. All the characters are so interesting and cool that I'm really on the edge of my seat whenever something bad is happening to them. Especially Hilling, she's turned out to be an unexpected favorite so far.

It was cute to see Bojji's return, and a bunch more magic than what we've seen so far. I'm excited for where King Desha goes with his whole "take over the kingdom" plot.


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After Ouken kills Kingbo I thought it was a little odd they gave him a backstory for seemingly no reason other than to make us feel bad since he's (not?) dead now. But then I realized that in the flashback, his dad is totally the forest king from episode 04. Since we see him being visiting by the Ranking of Kings person before burning and murdering his own kingdom, it kinda fits with my early theory that the forest king was someone who won the ranking. They explained in some episode that people who win the Ranking of Kings are given a gift from god, but they always go crazy after seeing it or something. I think that's what happened there.


It was nice to see Domas again but I kinda feel like most of last episode could have been skipped by just having Desha come in and say "yeah I wanna get that mirror friendly lady too"

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