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Anyone else watching this? Also welcome Samachan users!


Yeah, I watched it when it came out. How far have you watched so far?


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Tkmiz is cool.


I've watched 8 episodes now. It's great, but I think I'll like the manga more anyway.
Not that the anime's bad, it just can can't convey tkmiz's style that much, no matter how much it tried.


I loved this show, the episode where they find the temple was my favorite. Such a good sense of atmosphere.


I really loved it, it's one of my favorite animes and I still think about it sometimes. Personally the manga didn't grab me as much but it's definitely good


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Already watched it


This show got me to tear up nearly every episode, the stuff about "getting along" with sadness and despair especially hit me. And it was consistently cute and comfy when it wasn't pulling at my heartstrings. Great music too. I really loved it.



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Tbh same,and the ost is amazing,it feels so comfy and so damn calming, hopefully shimeji will get something similar


Doesn't this show have a ridiculously depressing bad end


The manga has a sad ending depending on who you ask, but you should spoiler that shit.


Fair enough but I was just asking, heard it from someone else and didn't really want to watch it because of it
was the ending changed for the anime or did it just not finish the story then?


Didn't finish the story, the anime didn't cover the last two volumes.


I watched it in April and the manga ending was truly heartbreaking

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