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Should I watch serial experiments lain?


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Yes, let's all love Lain

Jokes aside, I think it's a great anime, and even if you don't like it it's worth seeing just for being pretty unique


Well, that get pretty well the a e s t h e t i c s of the '90s and plot is pretty ok.


I think I'll rewatch Lain just to see how the concept of the real world merging with the Internet has aged.
I mean, that's pretty much happened, especially now.

Besides, the show's very artsy. It could be worth watching for this reason alone.


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Is your question IRONIC or RHETORICAL? If neither then the answer is a big fat YES!
But it's possible that you won't quite get it. I firmly believe that nobody understands it, which is why they all keep asking other watchers what it's about or weather they should watch it. I can't tell you what it means. I can't even tell you that it's good. But you know already that you must watch it. It's part of the csushi roll.


Lain sucks.


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This is true. OP, you won't understand it. The first few episodes, especially, are quite disorientating and confusing. Nevertheless, as the show continues, you become comfortable with not understanding everything, and you settle into the aesthetic ride. It has more than artistic value, though: the show does raise some interesting possibilities about consciousness and computers.


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When it comes to Lain I've never really understood the hype
It's not a bad anime but beyond the premise being fairly unique it didn't feel that good. I suppose the creep factor could've played into it but personally I can't deal with creep, that one scene where Lain's sister starts beeping like a telegraph gave me nightmares.


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I thought it would make a lot more sense upon re-watching, but I'm most of the way through now and the show is barely more comprehensible than the first time I saw it. I'm glad that's everyone's experience to some degree, because I feel retarded.


This is a bit off-topic, but it just occurred to me that "The Wired" sounds like "The Wild" and that's probably very intentional.
Am I stupid for not realizing this before?


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of course you should, it's the correct choice!


I think it doesn't really matter since that's a translation and not something the original writers thought about or am I talking out of my ass?


No, they do use the English word "Wired" in the original Japanese.


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Depends, do you enjoy animated shows? Are you working through classics?
I'd recommend it regardless as it's relatively short and quite the experience. Plus you'll know what all the cool kids are talking about.


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Watch Ninja Slayer too.

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