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File: 1603911179555.png (860.09 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….png)




I wish I had interest in this but first I have to play the VNs and then watch the DEEN anime…


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File: 1603994339000.png (1.01 MB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….png)

Did we see Shion at all this episode? What the game shop owner said makes me believe Mion is working at the Angel Mort. And I don't think Shion would have the influence to be able to rally people at the end.


You don't need to do both. The production values aren't great for the anime but it's a pretty decent adaptation and only fifty-something episodes which comes out to maybe a third as long as it takes to read the VN.


Looking at this picture really makes me think, when did anime become so shiny? Hair always was but I feel as if people's faces were never so ridiculously glossy.


It's not something new. They got the character designer from TWGOK and Monogatari to do the designs for this season. He's known for this kind of thing.


Ah the Monogatari guy
Monogatari was actually the one that I was thinking of the most when I thought of glossiness
Wonder what kind of style it is though, so weird. [s]Fuck snake.[/s]


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I still don't understand why Mion was carrying around her gun before the Watanagashi even happened.


Rena, please take Satoko home!

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