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File: 1603463347126.png (712.57 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] D4DJ - First M….png)


Embarassing, awkward, trackmaking, DJ girls!


File: 1603464358974.png (1.19 MB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] D4DJ - First M….png)

It's 3dcg but it's charming.


Anymore anime about music production and/or DJing?
I thought it was a cute episode, but the main character seems pretty obnoxious, though it's ends up personally being more charming and entertaining to me than annoying.


Anime about DJing in particular is pretty niche, though this is more of an idol anime in disguise anyway. There's Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou https://anidb.net/anime/11466
but you should also try some stuff like Bang Dream, Hibike Euphonium, Beck, and Detroit Metal City if you haven't.


>Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou
Thanks for this! It seems like exactly what I"m looking for


File: 1603671755309.webm (425.17 KB, 1280x720, D4DJ_EnglishDub.webm)

First episode and we've already got a full-scene flashback to earlier in the episode. That's budget for ya. That being said, it actually looks pretty good for a 3DCG anime, even if the main character's animation is kinda obnoxious.


Why do people keep trying to make 3DCGI anime a thing
It looks bad ffs


Because it's cheaper to make - frankly, 2D anime on the same budget would probably end up looking like a slideshow of doodles. I honestly think that 3DCG anime has the potential to look really good (the 3D Arcsys games don't look perfect, but they're probably the best-looking attempt I've seen), it's just that any studio with the time and budget to make it look good would choose to make 2D anime instead.


because it's so much faster to make. You can have 5 cg artists animating a show instead of 50 animators hand drawing each frame one by one. 3dcg can look good, see gantz, houseki no kuni, hoshi no umi no amuri etc, but the main thing i like about it is that it allows super low budget weird experimental shit to get made that wouldn't have the budget or manpower to exist, for example tesagure bukatsumono and gdgd fairies. It doesn't look that great but it's funny enough to carry itself.


File: 1605316324683.webm (606.42 KB, 1280x720, squeeze.webm)

I'm pretty sure I've seen this move in a fighting game before.


MC doesn't know how to break out of grabs.


File: 1605574452328.jpg (435.06 KB, 1920x1080, cursedflyer.jpg)

I actually kinda like this art, to be honest. I do feel like it'd probably be better for a jazz concert than a DJ set though.


If anyone else plays the game, add me id: kREKMuBu

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