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Horriblesubs is dead, which means we probably won't have many good options for immediate rips. What subber are you going to use instead (assuming you can't just watch raws)? I know Erai is a thing, are they any good?


I despised them a decade ago but honestly I'm sad to see them go now. They were more resilient than any real sub group has been I could tell they enjoyed what they were doing. RIP.

Erai is alright, and there are a lot of other rippers on nyaa so I doubt availability will be an issue, though convenience and speed might be, as well as torrent longevity. If you don't need subs you can always just watch raws or foreign-language releases too.


Don't really feel sorry for them but if rumors about Disney going after anime/fansubs are true then it makes me feel even more uncertain about the future than when horriblesubs first gained traction.

Monsters do only ever get eaten by bigger monsters.


Wait, which rumours?
This is the first time I've heard of this


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It's pretty sad to see them bidding their farewell like this. I'm really surprised to see them go, it almost seemed like they were going keep putting out new releases for forever. Maybe I shouldn't have taken them for granted but that's hard to do with something like HorribleSubs and their level of consistency. That's one thing they did pretty well.

Here's Dao's closing words if anyone wants to read them.


It's obviously one huge bait post, sushi. HS never subbed, they ripped all releases from Crunchyroll and friends.


Yeah I know. I just expected them to expand a bit more on the final thoughts chapter, that's all. Maybe I just care more than I should.


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And nothing of value was lost



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