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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Anyone else feeling like the world is getting louder in isolation? It's the worst when I haven't heard another person's voice in weeks.


I haven't, but then I haven't totally been isolated. What's it like?


Literally or figuratively?


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It's all the night rave parties


are you sure it's not just tinnitus?


I should get a hearing test along with my eye check-up.


Hearing things as 'to loud' when they pretty silent is an actual neurological condition. I'd bring it up to a doctor.
You wont get drugs for it, but could get your inscerence to cover the therapy. You could diy it yourself though, exposure therapy and playing stack in the background 30 mins a day is the main treatment.


I just wanna holiday in peace & quiet …


I haven't been out of the house since Summer of 2019. Then with the rise of more contactless deliveries, etc. I never saw a reason to go back outside. I can't drive and freak out over surveillance as well as being jumped by people out in public. I haven't had a social life since the late 2000s. Some people wonder how I haven't went completely insane yet. I do talk to myself every day and ended up creating a system where I have split my mind into pieces with their own personalities that we all ended up having conversations with each other in a mental type of chamber.


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Too much is happening….


>Some people wonder how I haven't went completely insane yet.
>I do talk to myself every day
you responded to your own question.

talking to one's self is one of the strategies the brain develops to not lose sanity.

it's when you stop talking at all for a very long time that you become insane.

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