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The tomatoes are ripe along with many others! with more on the way!
What are you growing sushi?


I always wanted to grow my own strawberries but other projects have kept me from doing so.

Really need to learn how to cook and grow some things…


Those are really nice looking veggies! I have some tomatoes but I think the sun is too hard on them and they're not doing too well, tomorrow I need to make some sort of shade for them. they're still very young too, haven't bore fruit.
I mainly grow hot peppers though, tomorrow I'll take a few pics.


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Thank you!
I've got the opposite problem up here, my tomatoes struggle without enough sun. Had to put them on the south-side of the house.
I would apologize to the sunflowers I had to move, but they're doing alright.


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Took me longer than I originally intended but here are pics.
First pic is tomatoes, left one is healthy but the one on the right had too much sun and died. I'm wondering how they'll bloom since they're out of season, I hope it's not too late!
Second pic is bell peppers, all but one are super healthy, the other withered for no apparent reason, it's hard to see but it's on the foreground, it also produced one nice pepper which we already ate in stir-fry!
Third pic is habanero peppers, more to come….


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>>8786 [Cont]
Papayas are always giving fruit. Too much fruit, actually.
Next is star fruit. Full bloom now, the fruits in the pic are young, but they grow huge and bend the branch down eventually.
And finally, orange harvest is close! I'm happy because this year we had a greater yield than the last one!


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Passionfruit blossom


You have some fancy plants sushi, very cool. I've never grown anything in my life because I've always lived in apartments, but the concept is very appealing.


I'm jelly! How old is the papaya?


Don't let that stop you if you want to grow things. If you've got a balcony, you can grow some potted plants.


Wish I had space to grow some veggies. What are some easy things to grow inside?


Depends. I managed to dehydrate a cactus out of neglect so it’s pretty much up to how willing you’re to take care of your plants.


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About a year and a half. They grow quick them fuckers. More pics soon.
Also, I am pleased to inform you that I have a hummingbird living just above my doorstep. Kinda annoying for the dude because everytime I walk near he flies away. I had to take pic from a safe distance, hope you can see him.


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I went to get some cacao from a tree nearby, so I can have some trees of my own.
Turns out, if the fruit is ripe, the seeds inside are already germinating, the roots quite large already. I had to take care separating them, I put them in soil, I'll be reporting on their progress!


I grow tomatoes and herbs, though I'm not very good at keeping things pruned. Something to work on for next spring!


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I hope you don't mind me using this thread as my personal blog I have nowhere else to share, anyway I'm building a little kiosk for the chickens.
That is not a chicken, btw.


Where do you live, cultivator sushi roll? It must be somewhat nice to have that much space and time to grow some produce.


They look weird!
But I will enjoy the cacao, I want to see the tree they will grow.


You can't fool me,sushi roll, i know a chicken when i see one!


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Sure, there's no issue with using this board as such. Here have some garlics, sushi roll.


Nice, this is the first year I grew garlic. I should have grown more. maybe 15 heads, I think more like 40 would have been right to cover my garlic usage and leave some over for next years planting. Yours look nice.


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Neat! I have tried garlic but with no luck. They always whither and die. Those in the pic look nice and healthy. Any tips?
They're sprouting, they seem to be taking their time. Tomorrow I may take pics, the stems are strong but the cotyledons (the first leaves) are not out of the seed yet.
Tropical part of latin america. Suffice to say I'm in banana territory.

Pic is a chicken, not really a veggie, but she keeps the soil healthy with her poo.


Well, a chick, really. And four!


My family got chicks a while back, and we got our first eggs last week. No idea if it's a placebo or not but fresh eggs really are delicious


I has a brown thumb. Everything I grow seems to die in a week. *sigh*


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My cock is growing quickly.
Also here's the cacao, doing quite well a you can see.


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Check them


You'll be happy to know that if your climate zone is nice enough you can grow your tomatoe plant through the winter if you so please!


Those are gorgeous veggies sushi.


Those little bagged plants will be cacao trees?


This looks like an insect.


>No idea if it's a placebo or not but fresh eggs really are delicious
Can confirm, my grandpa has a small henroost and always brings eggs to me. They're absolutely delicious, much better tasting than the stuff you usually buy at the supermarket


Fresh is best


Idk, I haven't had white eggs in a while.


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I'm back for round 2!
I had to change spots during the year but did so just in time to plant (and transplant).
I was worried the blueberries would die but they are doing real well.


Ooooh watermelon! i've never tried growing blueberries. I go on little trips to hunt wild ones. There's plenty growing everywhere. Raspberries too!


Gourd! i meant gourd. Just woke up. =w= '''


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The semi-wild ones around our swamps is why I tried to grow mine. They're tough to get going though if you're not already on swampy places. Worried they're too high maintenance.


Lovely flowers, sushi.


>i meant gourd
wwwww cute tired roll


Sunflowers are doing well…


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Hell yeah. I'd like to try grow large sunflowers at some point for the seeds but there's nowhere really good to put them for us. We can get strong winds over summer and everywhere sheltered I usually have taken up by plants I value more like determinate tomatoes and peppers.

Currently winter here in the southern hemisphere, pretty far south so can get some frosts. Our family set up a small greenhouse last spring or so though which I have a fair bit growing in - from the first pic going clockwise from bottom left have -
~ a couple trays of old spinach plants which have been going since late summer (and some oxalis mixed in which is the red colour - a weed but still edible)
~ minutina (looks like grass)
~ lamb's lettuce
~ red variety of mizuna in the middle
~ few ~30L pots in top right containing broccoli with perpetual/regular spinach surrounding
~ some garlic chives in the 2 square green pots (planted these in autumn which don't think is the right time, but they're surviving and seem to be slow growing anyway so will see how they go)
~ beans/peas in the pots with the mesh (there's about 8 or so of those pots in total but most aren't shown in the pics)
With the beans/peas grew them using that style of mesh last year OK, although the pot circumference was larger (30L pot vs 15L pot). They'll probably get all tangled up in the middle eventually as just have the plants in a circle around the outside of the pot, but I'll just see how they end up being with pests/harvesting in early spring.

Apologies for potato quality of pics, currently travelling around so these pics are just what my mum sent me recently by txt message so they're super compressed.

I assume you would be based in the subtropics? There's a lot of stuff like tamarillos and watermelons that would be cool to grow which aren't really feasible down here due to the climate.


This stuff is so cool. I desperately want to learn more about gardening and farming and maybe start my own aquaponics system someday, but don't know where to start.


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Basic leafy greens like lettuce and spinach are super easy to grow, along with tomatoes, strawberries and a number of other things. I would just give it a shot, look up basic how to grow guide online about 1 or 2 different plants you like and would actually eat, try grow them, watch what happens and learn from it.

When you first start out you'll make a bunch of mistakes and there will be issues (e.g. planting at the wrong time of year, pests getting out of control, plants not laid out sensibly e.g. containers too small, plants too dense, etc.) but the more you do it the better you'll understand how whatever plant grows and the challenges associated with your local environment.

Once you've got a hang of 1 or 2 plants you can try other things, or you could initially try growing things e.g. over spring-summer (like peppers and tomatoes) and then later on when the climate is no longer appropriate grow something different e.g. over autumn-winter (like broccoli, cabbage).


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There's a lot of good channels on youtube as well for this type of stuff, that's where most of my knowledge comes from (I've only been actively growing things for 3-4 years really).

Channels like Epic Gardening, Self Sufficient Me, Huw Richards, TheKiwiGrower are all really good. Mostly just watch them for entertainment but I end up learning a fair bit regardless.


Gardening is about consistancy (kind of like ten-pin bowling). Heh.


My rosmary died? I'm hoping it will come back to life in the spring.

I have too much rosmary. Just two bushes and I've already got a litre of the stuff and don't really know what to do with it all… Crops are way more bountiful than I ever thought they would be. It's a good problem to have thought…


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Winter is a time of stillness.
Can't wait for spring.


April 1st! Hearing the birds chirping outside at 6 am makes me think that spring is well established here. Can't wait to see my plant grow few more leaves.

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