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/lounge/ - sushi social

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Hi sushis. Hope you're all doing well.
I think most people are finding new ways to be creative in these uncertain times, and I think it would be cool if we used this thread to share some of the things we've been working on!

That being said, I'm currently brainstorming some sort of novella based around humans who have ascended to the level of cosmic gods (kinda inspired by The Microcosmic God), and what it would be like to be dehumanised by such awesome power. It's also a chance for me to play around with some flowery language and sci-fi-esque grand descriptions of unfilmable concepts, my favourite of which being a game which these gods play. Here are the quotes:

"They still play games. But not at all like they used to. These people move entire species around like draughts, collapse an empire like taking a bishop, all with the regard for life tantamount the respect humans once had for a six of clubs."

"The Game is at once simulation game, chess board, blackjack and match of Go. It is equal parts dance of territory as debate of philosophy. They are making decisions trillions of times per minute, making plans and laying traps decades into the future. The ants on the ground believe it to be them making the decisions, but it is in fact us."

What are you working on, sushi?


I recently finished rewriting a 50-page setting document and am learning how to into Illustrator. I don't really know if that counts as creative though.


I though about ways to interact with my contacts in a productive manner and came up with a project combining the interests of my friends and me with the goal of a short animated music video.

Have you read "The Glass Bead Game"? The citation you posted reminded me instantly of the descriptions in this book.


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Writing fight scenes like RA Salvatore.


Oh noes, another murder.


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Be creative in fashion


Right now now I have a few concepts I'm writing in scrivener. Longest is currently 11,000 words, still so unfinished it makes zero sense, and the smallest is 400 words. Since they're all short stories I have no big plot to describe, but the main plot through out the stories is people describing changes to their body and mind, usually caused by sci-fi body mods or lovecraft horror. The main theme is how they relate to the world with a different body, how when their mind is being transformed their writing style and thought processes changes before they notice, and how repressed emotional problems are expressed through body horror. I have no lines to post since they're all rough drafts and some of them are more therapeutic than good, mostly the ones that deal the very last theme. Most of the works I write about are also related to my academic interest, body studies, so another big theme is how people view bodies.

>That being said, I'm currently brainstorming some sort of novella based around humans who have ascended to the level of cosmic gods (kinda inspired by The Microcosmic God), and what it would be like to be dehumanised by such awesome power.

I've wanted to do something somewhat similar were the character is an alien who's planet is invaded by humans who are competitively over powered compared to them. the story will either be about innate difference, less gravity allowing humans to leap more, humans having thumbs, humans being taller than the aliens, or the humans being genetically modified or in space suits with the 'they were human all along' twist being at the end.

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