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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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This chan is very nice

Not all content is nice, but the chan is nice


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I agree, that's why I keep coming back here


Where's your proof?
Your evidence?
We're all evil here >:D


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it has great aesthetic and is perfectly untouched by the masses but I'm scared to post often so I don't come off as obnoxious.


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post more often, roll! do it for me!


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>but I'm scared to post often so I don't come off as obnoxious
I post here almost every day, sushi, and I've never thought about something like that. While I appreciate the sentiment, I get the impression that there are a lot of people here who are too caught up on being comfy or not being obnoxious to the point where it discourages them from posting. But in reality, you're in the clear 99% of the time so long as you do common sense things like keeping politics in /hell/.
Posting on sushichan shouldn't be stressful.


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Idling slowly is preferred here.


You see agent 101, I’ve come up with my most diabolical plan yet! Saying nice things to strangers!!

Muhahahhahahahahahahahaahhahahahahaha >:D


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Indeed it is.


Yeah, this place is cozy


Yeah, this place is cozy


Sorry accidentally posted twics


It's okay, man.


I love here and I don't know why.


i like how nothing happens and it might as well not be here


Peace in nature….


Its deceptive


how so?


It's my favorite. I just like being able to vibe here.


its called sushigirl yet I have a sneaking suspicion some of the posters are boys


this has been debunked many times


Are you reading it "sushi G IRL" or "sus hi girl"?
In first interpretation G might be for Girl or Guy, or even more likely Gangster as in OG.

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