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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Did you know that even in research there is a mainline research track trailing behind big companies or well-known names?

Researching anything else is forbidden… at least as far as your advisers are concerned. All your special track research has to be hush hush while you slowly crank out regular mainline track papers.

Eventually, you either realize your idea and decide it's not worth sharing with your community or you move on, having failed to realize your brilliant idea.

There's no winning!



fuck the system, fuck hoes, smoke kush

I've done research on my own, separate from my university, because academia focuses on shit that's measurable

there's too much of an emphasis on LaTeX, abstracts, graphs in gnuplot or whatever, and other pseudointellectual shit to make your boring-ass research paper look smarter

but real research can transcend academia

I used to think academia was the be-all and end-all of education, but it's really not

autodidactism is better tbh famalam

post it on your website or github or something, ignore universities


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