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How do you deal with pathological liars? Have you ever encountered any?

I've been lying pathologically for most of my childhood, and stopping doing so was the best change I've made in my life. I believe it passed to me from my mother, who to this day lies a lot.

However recently I've encountered a person who lies very much. It's a girl, we've got normal friendly relationships, neither of us is romantically interested or anything like that. However, for the little time we talk, I can see that she lies quite a lot.
Those lies are mostly about achievements or something similar. I don't care about them, it's just an indicator for me to not get surprised next time when she gives a different answer when we touch this topic. Something like that.

But I wonder how people deal with those. Do you call them out? Do you try to avoid the person or do you continue to communicate normally?


>How do you deal with pathological liars?
If I don't really have to spend much time around them I just ignore them or tell them they're full of shit.

If I'm stuck with them like people I work with I just avoid talking to them.


Had this one kid in school who was one. Mostly just made fun of him, tho he was a friend; banter I guess. Said his Father was a millionaire , he said he bought him self a Jag at age 14 for when he was 17, things of that nature, along the lines of materialism. Mostly he liked being the center of attention (maybe why he didn't mind the jokes), when a good friend of mine was in trouble with the law, he was spreading and talking about it to people who really didn't need to know. I was not keen on him post that.

Depends on how you know, and interact with the person. If you can't joke about it then that person is better being cut off.


I encourage it, in a way. I don't call them on their bullshit, but I let them tell me their ridiculous stories and tell them I believe them. I try to make them say the most ridiculous shit possible because I know they will embarrass themselves real bad at some point. I don't need to be the one making it happen.


I've only met one true pathological liar, and it was a girl from school. We were kids, so nothing of importance was ever discussed. She would just make stories up constantly. I never had a problem with it, and I would listen to the bullshit she had to say, but I wouldn't ever consider being friends with someone like that.


Put a lasso of truth on them.


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I've dealt with my mom lying like that for most of my life, and tbh, I never really learned how to deal with it. She constantly rewrites our family history and invents stories. I normally roll with it, but sometimes I wind up at a disadvantage when I'm talking to someone she met before me and I don't know what lies she's told them.


What is a pathological liar for you?

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