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Fuck it.
I am in bad mood for almost 2 weeks now, and this shit happens every fucking year at the same time (mid January until mid February).
>changing my mood but every night I go to sleep feeling depressed
>not productive
>bad shit happens at least once a week
>i become super sensitive and emotional
>and on top of all that i think i am falling in love with one of my only girl friends

Not sure what to do. Should I just wait or make some moves. I hope this ends soon.


>>and on top of all that i think i am falling in love with one of my only girl friends
honestly sometimes it is just loneliness speaking to you so make sure you really want to take this step. i've had some times where i thought i was into someone, but only realize it was because i was lonely and the relationship ended up not being right for both of us, because i didn't actually know if i was truly into the person but just went for it. usually it is okay to go for it, because sometimes it could work and its always a possibility. Although realize it could make things a bit awkward for a while so if you get rejected, accept it and don't get angry and still be friends with her.


Sounds like it could be seasonal affective disorder.



I'm going through the same thing sushi. I think if we hang in there for a little while longer the feeling will fade away. Though I will admit it's still frustrating to spend this time depressed without reason.


Maybe I have that seasonal disorder in some mild form.
There are always some nice moments you can hold on to. I had one today. Sometimes one coffee with friends can make up for all the other shit.


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don't make decisions, when you're sad
don't make promises, when you're happy
don't make conversations, when you're angry


I forgot to update you guys on my crush thing
I still feel same way. We are never alone and I fucking hate that. I wish we could spend some time alone. I would probably tell her something


OP Here
I am still into her. Today I told our mutual friend how I feel. I think I will end this shit over weekend.



Tell her how you feel before your friend tells her.


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Playing violent video-games helps me when I'm in a mood…


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The more violent, the better!


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Have blood splatter everywhere!


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Sometimes you just wanna break stuff


Moved to >>>/hell/3684.

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