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File: 1548049467060.png (30.43 KB, 636x554, Untitled.png)


what did i do wrong

where does the .75 come from


The last number isn't your decimals, it's the part that was left undivided, eg. 16+(3/4) = 16.75


I don't understand the first 2 lines.


What is even happening?


OP is doing long division to calculate 67/4. At the top you write how many times 4 goes into a certain place value (multiple of 10).

67 = 40 + 24 + 2.8 + 0.2, but OP forgot to separate the last two.


The three is actually to be divided by the 4 as well, where 3/4 is .75 (or if you like, 75% of a 1)


Oh, now i get it; thanks.


I can't math today; too hungry for pie.

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