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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Hi sushi!
What are the most memorable things you have been part of/experienced on this site?


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Someone replied to my old thread offering me some good advice. I was quite shocked, but still thankful.


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Yeah you're welcome.


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Sorry, doubt it was you!


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How the hell am I supposed to know?! I'm such a fundamental pillar of this community that I lose count of how many people I help everyday…


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Dunking on randos trying to get Sushis into raiding. Twice.


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browsing the comfy threads and giving people life advice. also posting music

raiding is not sushi or comfy.


Yeah that's what I mean. Twice I've seen a random user come from some other website and try to rally us for a raid, and we all just dunk on them.


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I don't think we've had that many happenings. There was the .tokyo domain dying and the creation of this domain in 2016, the sama immigration in 2020, then the sharty raid in 2021. I started using sushi after the domain change, but I remember the other two quite well. I can't think of anything else significant.
I'm not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, the lack of major incidents has made my day-to-day experience of using sushi smooth and painless, but my recollection of the site is mostly one big blur. I used to post on wizardchan back in the day and there was a lot of drama, admin changes, etc. that was annoying and got in the way of normal discussion at the time, but has made my memory of the place very sharp.

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