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Lately I've been watching a lot of videos about the dead internet theory., and now I'm kinda worried about the future. How do I be more positive sushis?


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I honestly hate dead internet theory because while the internet does have a problem with bots and things being pushed algorithmically by them, I think it vastly underestimates how stupid people are and how they fall for useless trends anyways. Take the whole internet rap craze of the late 2010s to at least 2021, which people were just shoved a trash heap of terribly produced trap music and were told "this is the future". While, sure, a lot of it was algorithm manipulation by places such as Dismiss Yourself (who its founder notoriously used RateYourMusic chart manipulation by sending his discord to mass rate 5 stars to whatever he wanted to shill that week, and similar tactics on youtube), and the hip hop industry is no stranger to pulling stunts like this on social media, I do genuinely think a lot of people just really are that dumb and buy into trends. Something like Amazon comes to mind, where convenience negates quality for some customers who are either fine buying a bootleg item/merchandise or are blissfully unaware and ignorant to it. There is still heaps of organic nature to the internet, but unfortunately, as the public populates it more and more, more and more dumber trends will catch on because its really easy to use the internet now and doesn't require much skill. If the internet is so dead, why are facebook boomers overtaking the teenagers and young adults of old on the platform? I'm not saying there isn't manipulation or bot driven feeds but I do think people underestimate the organic nature of the internet that still does exist, just a lot more stupid now.


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If you want to be more positive, you can actually check out an entire university department dedicated to making people happy and positive


By reflecting on good things that happened to us, we can accentuate them and find ways to make them more common in our lives.

Instead of thinking about all of the bad stuff, think about all of the good stuff that you did or saw today. Make a list and write down as many things as you can think of. Don't tell yourself "nothing good" happened, because that is a logical fallacy and you are just making excuses to not see the good in your life. Then consider what you can do to see more good people or things tomorrow. Redirect your life to the positive one day at a time.


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__In this particular case__:
Understand that this "dead internet theory" that you speak of is being spread by the very same mainstream internet that the theory postulates to be dead.
Realize that it's just another angle in the AI grift.

__In general attitudes towards the internet__:
Come to terms with the fact the internet is not a tool for social change but only another entertainment medium.
Comprehend that you can create and interact with communities composed of real people so long as you put in the effort to find and nurture them.
Above all, laugh in the face of those who think being a pessimistic projecting dung beetle is the only way to look intelligent.
You'll soon learn to perceive what's content meant to keep you annoyed but compliant and what's a constructive part of your world.
From there, positivity grows.

__In general__:
Have a plan to do things you like even if you suck at them.
Never be shy to revisit things that have given you good memories.
Surround yourself with constructive people (if not possible: learn to breathe and exercise)

Any questions?


What are you worried about? As long as small, independent places like this where sushis can congregate, we can always keep alive old culture.


Its hard being positive about the future. Everything seems like its gone wrong. I guess what you can do is try to establish some small peace in your mind. Don't overthink things. Cut out sources of negativity like social media and news/political debate. Enjoy the little things in life like watching little bugs climb on flowers or sitting on a park bench to enjoy the sunshine. Try and fill your life with those little moments of happiness. But you also have to accept that you aren't in control. Whatever's happening in the world is something you can't change by yourself. Learn to let go.


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Just shut your brain off.
Don't give a care for anything happening around you.
If it doesn't affect you directly, why care?
It's easy as hell. Football, games, work, entertainment, repeat.
Not hard.


what an incredible post, thank you so much, my eyes are watering

just like how depression acts as a gray pair of goggles that make a person see no pleasure in anything (anhedonia), i'm wearing a cynical and frustrated pair of goggles that make me see everything in the worst light.

but when i do this, it feels good. because it feeds my superiority complex, because for some reason seeing the world as terrible feels good.

but i don't want the rest of my life to be increasingly bitter and upset. i don't want to live that life, it seems miserable. even if pessimism is cool and safe and optimism is cringe and embarassing, i should start moving inch by inch, thought pattern by thought pattern, into the sun.


It's crazy how many people on Facebook will see an obviously AI-rendered photo of an American military veteran with 16 fingers holding up a sign in some ancient eldritch runic language with the caption "Why don't pictures like this trend anymore :(" and thousands of people will fall for it.

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