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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]
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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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Sushi! You always smell so nice and comforting! Is there a secret scent you're willing to share?


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lavender has a calming effect

be careful with applying it directly though, there are studies that imply effects on the hormone system


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i love the smell of clovers. they have such a nice scent, both natural and subtle. i recently bought a candle that smells just like clovers and i like it a lot!


I am thinking about making scented candles… I bought some from lady who makes them and she said it is fairly easy. Would be neat little hobby…


i wear perfume, i really like chocolate scents. i have a vintage guerlain gourmand coquin from a family member but when that runs out im going to look for a cheaper dupe, since the og costs way too much money


when i worked stocking shelves at the craft store, the candle making section always tempted me. employee discount and all. i don’t need another hobby but you should give it a go!


I like the smell of oil and petrolum. I don't know why. Other industrial chemicals have an appealing smell too. I wouldn't call it nice but there's something about it that is so satisfying. I can't explain it.


I can relate, I love the smell of tires and gasoline. Maybe it's just nostalgia since I used to hang out in the autoparts section of stores with my uncle when I was a kid, but it's a really satisfying smell.


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only rose scents


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First fragrance I consciously bought - described as lemon candy and it really did smell like that. For a fifteen minutes or so.. but it was still wonderful. Also read a review where someone recognized a vaginal note, a proper gourmand!


I know some people put lavender on their closets for their clothes to smell of lavender, some do the same with cinnamon or clove too. Personally, i don't like how those scents mix with the closet's.

I'm a beginner in the world of fragrances, i have some but they just smell good to me, nothing more.


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If you are interested, you could visit websites like Fragrantica. There, you can learn about the composition of your favorite perfumes!


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Thanks, i didn't know about that site. It has a lot of information.
Their "fragram" is also cute.


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personally i don't know a thing abt perfumes, occasionally i still wear the cheap hollister festival vibes i bought when i wanted to smell of candy all the time after i bought a specific shampoo with a very very sweet melon aroma, a friend even said i look the exact opposite but when u get to know me a sweet candy scent is the most fitting :3
i'd like a more "grown up" perfume, something rather light and floral but i never find anything i'm actually happy with so i never buy some… maybe one day i'll find one that i like ^-^
my deodorant however i will never change, one time after having to buy new one after visiting my long distance (at the time) gf i tried a few different ones as i never rly had one that i always got. i chose adidas control, because the smell was so pleasant and rly comforting for some reason i couldn't put my finger on, until my gf came to visit me one day and upon coming back from the bathroom asking if i had stolen her deodorant, i'll never want any other scent uwu
absolutely getcha, while i was never into cars or around them much gas and diesel have got something to them, solvents in general have such an interesting smell to them, the biting sweetness of acetone is nice :3 another fav of mine is ozone, once you learn to pick it out you smell it quite often, now it reminds me of my hometown where it rained a lot and the pleasant smell of ozone rolling over the earth before a storm

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