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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Where have you been to, sushi? Show us some pics!


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That picture was taken at the back of Milan Cathedral, I loved it there! The architecture was astounding.


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Somehow the server displays the wrong picture under 3.jpg. It should be this one. My previous posting attempts are probably the reason.


Milan sure looks empty.


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Not much for traveling, but I did take a little daytime trip to my old university city, Uppsala, the other day to buy some course literature. I hadn't been there since before the pandemic. It ended up being a nice day to travel because it was the 50th anniversary of our current king taking the throne, so it was a temporary flag day. There's a lot of lovely, classical architecture in Uppsala, but I only took a picture of the Geijer statue.


Lovely building and garden!
Looks like a nice day too


once i get a better phone with a better camera, i'll take more photos of some places i've been somewhat locally, i can't afford to travel much outside of my home state (oregon)


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Would love to see some Twilight-esque scenery from you.

Here are some photos from my last Autumn trip to a nearby mountain.


Autumn is coming
Leaves are falling
Prepare for winter


Going to japan in a few weeks, I'll try to remember to share some photos here

I love this first image, seems very peaceful.


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It was anything, but empty! I made sure the photos included as little people as possible.


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I like to take pictures of small things when I travel. It does make it a little trickier to see where I've been though


That is the most Mario looking real mushroom I have ever seen.


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Me too for sure. I was lucky to see a lot of cool mushrooms on that trip


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Here's one from a recent hiking trip, at a semi abandoned (?) gas station


i love mushrooms in the wild :3


This thread got me thinking: what if we did sushi geocaching (sushicaching)?


I'd love it! Big fan of Ingress.


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Cool. Here's an abandoned failed resort near where I live.


I know that one! But I don't remember what it was called :/


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I went to Japan last year, and it was difficult to choose just one favourite image from the ordeal because of the 10mb limit, but I like this picture a lot


Are you ok, sushi? What happened in Japan?


I thought the word just meant situation
nothing happened I just comfymaxxed


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its not really travelling to the same degree, but some nice photos of the river near my apartment i took the other day


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hi sushis, i'm back after a little longer than expected. i didn't take many photos as i'm not big on photography but i did see some truly beautiful places.


that gate painting is so freaking cool


that's a lot of fumos


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This country is pretty good for a parody of the Slavic culture. The panorama is from Veliki Stol, pronounced [vɜlɪkə stəʊ].


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Fine. I hate phones. It won't even upload the right picture and uploads the same one twice instead.


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Memoirs from China


cute foxes


Honestly I think I've seen too many bad things about china to considering an interesting place as a tourist


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from my trip to Japan


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more Japan


i sense a cutie.. on the other side of the camera :3


i loved walking around places like 3 at night. the emptiness was nice


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My camera is not good but I travel a lot.
Maybe too much.


Where's that first picture? It looks a lot like the roads I used to drive to go to Seattle.


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from hiking around estes park in colorado 2-3 years ago, taken with my ancient Csushi roll PowerShot SD790 IS


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