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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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hi everyone, im new to the whole imageboard thing. i figured i should post something since this place is very nice and comfy. how is everyone? :)


Tired! But otherwise okay, living with some friends this summer working a good job. Studying in the evenings is taking a lot out of me but nothing’s perfect.


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Doing good, feeling good, how are YOU op?

Studying during summer takes a lot of dedication, congrats.


im pretty good, i havent been very productive like >>13856, but im just living life haha


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>>13855 feeling ok here, it is rainy and not unbearably hot. Listening to comfy music and daydreaming about comfy stuff, not much else currently :^)

How do you spend your summer weekends rolls?


Welcome! Glad to have you here and I hope you find the image board format enjoyable


I'm sitting on my bed drinking tea and listening to vid related. Viva la comfy!


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op here again, i just like to speand my summer weekends by relaxing and listening to music. cooking things is also enjoyable for me, although i dont do it as often as i need to since im pretty lazy :/


oh man i love aphex twin!! viva la comfy haha :)


i like it a lot, at first i didn't know how to navigate it for some reason, but after lurking for a while in various imgboards, i found it pretty enjoyable :P


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Enjoy your stay

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