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/kitchen/ - tasty morsels & delights

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File: 1650742614353.jpg (76.43 KB, 600x400, Apple-Cake-articleLarge.jpg)


I will be making the cake of APPELS. what shall go in it? I am taking suggestions.
I have 2 cups of chopped apples that I lightly sauteed in a butter/brown sugar/cinnamon mixture sitting in my fridge. These will be the apple part.

I also have flour, sugar, most spices, baking soda & powder, butter, eggs, and a 9 inch circular baking tin.


At this point you already made the pie and ate it but I'll give you a bump.


Haven't you already listed almost every ingredient for a decent apple pie? The only thing I would suggest are a bit of vanilla and salt for the cake batter.

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