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/kitchen/ - tasty morsels & delights

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The sun has finally come out! It was a nice rain the past few days.

I made some pepper sauce today sushigirls. I used bhot jolokia and trinidad scorpion. I've washed my hands about 6 times. Yet, 4 hours later, hen I touch my genitals, my eyes, or my nose, I still get a nice, soothing, burn that lasts over 5-10 minutes. ^^

anyone else a fan of hot peppers?


>anyone else a fan of hot peppers?
Well their music wasn't bad but I wouldn't call myself a fan.

Jokes aside I love spicy stuff so yes, without a doubt.


I really like spice but I'm not familiar with western spices. I mostly eat Chinese food. I tried a hot sauce made with the ingredients of pepper spray and it wasn't as hot as I thought it'd be. I feel like I reached the top of the mountain and it's quite lonely.


I love it, when food makes me sweat and cry while eating and still fuels my desire to devour more. >>606 The chinese cuisine is well designed for that purpose. When I went to china, I had not a single regular dish, that wasn't a feast to nourish from. It also goes surprisingly well with the humidity and heat down there.

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