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/kitchen/ - tasty morsels & delights

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File: 1504460957440.jpg (75.71 KB, 565x387, dog lard.jpg)


There is some weird stuff floating in this packet of "flavoring oil", which came with a pack of kimchi flavored instant noodles. I didn't open the oil packet, but the objects feel hard under my fingers and with some effort I can snap the longer bits. Anyone has any idea what it could be? I found some YT reviews of these exact noodles, and it seems like the "crispy bits" are in there intentionally, not by accident. I didn't add the oil into the noodles either way.


File: 1504461038036.jpg (88.19 KB, 533x283, components.jpg)

Here are the ingredients. My guess is those are fish bones, but why and how they got there, I have no idea.


it's just fried shallots or onion

pretty standard


ok I'll give it a try next time I eat noodles
but if those are bones, I swear I'll find you and sneak this in your food

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