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/kitchen/ - tasty morsels & delights

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Up to this day, I've never understood why people like sweets with their coffee. Whenever I took a bite of a sweet roll and mixed it with a sip of coffee, the coffee just killed the sweet taste of the roll. But now I've found the real purpose of coffee and sweets:

Drinking coffee AFTER eating a bite of something sweet clears your palate with its bitterness and prepares it for the next bite. That way, every bite of the sweet stuff is almost like as if it was the first. While normally sweets would lose their taste after a few bites, coffee "resets" your taste buds.

What combinations do sushi rolls like?


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This is a good thread. So:
>Up to this day, I've never understood why people like sweets with their coffee.
Where do you live? Here in yurop most people dip sweets in latte or cappuccino, not dark coffee.
>Drinking coffee AFTER eating a bite of something sweet clears your palate with its bitterness and prepares it for the next bite. That way, every bite of the sweet stuff is almost like as if it was the first.
This is actually pretty cool sushi. If I'm eating and drinking coffee, that coffee is usually sweetened with a bit of milk. I should try this once.
>What combinations do sushi rolls like?
In some parts of Italy we dip focaccia which is a really oily, salty, tasty bread in caffèlatte. The saltiness of focaccia clashes with the sweet and partially bitter taste of latte. It's pretty good and I have really fond memories of waking up as a kid and be greeted by my grandparents and the smell of fresh focaccia from the kitchen.


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Beans and toast.

I know it sounds odd but get a can of beans, heat them up, and put them on some toast. Easy.

The focus here is not so much the taste as is the textures of the beans and toast. Though the tastes complement each other as well.


Beans on toast is a British staple.


Not a British roll here.

People here give the strangest looks when mentioning beans a toast.


Add a little garlic and chilli to the beans and fry the bread instead of toasting it.


Whenever I have some cooked leftover potatoes, I like to spread some butter or mayonaise on bread, then put the sliced potatoes on the bread and sprinkle with salt. Depending on the species of potato, it can be a bit bad though.


>potato sandwich
carb overload

I toast my hamburger buns in mayo, though, I will admit. It works alright as a butter substitute. I always put mayo in my sandwiches anyway, so I might as well put it on when I toast the buns. It works well.


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>carb overload
Tastes damn good though. You ever have a chip butty? You put chips in a breadcake and smother it in ketchup/butter, maybe even throw a fried egg on top. It's piff.


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Coffee & Dessert is a nice combo.


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*tea and dessert

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