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/kitchen/ - tasty morsels & delights

nom nom nom

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File: 1477583508150.jpg (440 KB, 1536x2048, Cu3mPHqUAAAdyy4.jpg)


have a dango /sushi/


File: 1477584996060.jpg (197.62 KB, 1024x768, homuWhat.jpg)

Nani? Aren't those takoyaki balls? I almost can feel my burned tongue from the hot and sticky insides.


tako in dango??


File: 1477592298005.gif (3.87 KB, 250x300, 1476672310712.gif)

i dont know what that is, but i want some :3


there is this thing called a search engine…


how do i find out what that is


you can reverse image search OP on google images


tell me more about this "search engine"
what does it run on? Is it loud?


I think it's the engine the cops use for the cars they use to search criminals
it shouldn't be too loud, or it might scare away the criminals.


You forgot the katsuobushi. It's the best part.


These suckers are so lewd.


Hi im new to cooking


Hello, new to cooking. How are you?



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