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/kawaii/ - cute things


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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1465052092231.gif (1.97 MB, 500x281, 1448508317_PRdrJ2x.gif)


fuwa fuwaaa


So that's where that went.


Hello I'd like to report a robbery. My loli was stolen on the night on June 3rd while I was out purchasing pure white pantsu from a department store. Upon my return I found the front door open and the dog house in the back empty. My loli was gone. I would appreciate any help you could provide me in solving this mystery and returning my loli to me.


File: 1470593622050.gif (294.59 KB, 800x1126, Tropical-Censorship.gif)

Was you loli assured? If not, I can propose you Sonic_Loli_Assurance™. It's cheap and effective. It protects you from thieves and eventual accidental degradation of your loli. It only begins at the low price of $19.99/month.




what's the different between loli assurance and the loli insurance i already have


File: 1470674478080.png (194.33 KB, 915x1181, 1447805197387.png)

Made by loli owners for loli owners at a price that defy any concurrence.
Moreover we offer a free pure white pantsu to our new customers! (´‿`)


File: 1470674608335.png (473.82 KB, 600x850, 1443062799239.png)

Where can I sign?



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