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/kawaii/ - cute things


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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1590109520518.png (1.36 MB, 1518x2034, 2261098451e411501baf2ce90d….png)




moshi moshi


File: 1590114717816-0.gif (1.36 MB, 480x359, 1444674799232-2.gif)

File: 1590114717816-1.jpg (1.13 MB, 1416x1412, bunny.jpg)

File: 1590114717816-2.webm (2.79 MB, 1280x720, 1515564225939.webm)

File: 1590114717816-3.jpg (318.06 KB, 787x787, 1486184156497.jpg)


File: 1590117606834-0.png (1.35 MB, 978x984, burg-5.png)

File: 1590117606834-1.jpg (144.03 KB, 500x543, burg-4.jpg)

File: 1590117606834-2.jpg (635.7 KB, 962x752, burger 2.jpg)

Why are burgers such a thing in Japan


File: 1590121635007-0.jpg (181.91 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Alice or Al….jpg)

File: 1590121635007-1.jpg (573.1 KB, 1916x2039, 0a00371eee34e6323ff4ead8ed….jpg)

File: 1590121635007-2.jpg (256.5 KB, 918x1025, 1582966858289.jpg)


File: 1590135903427-0.jpg (41.98 KB, 542x675, angry burg.jpg)


File: 1590137047618.jpg (45.09 KB, 486x750, burg.jpg)


File: 1590139922954.jpg (1010.14 KB, 1500x1071, 309e06785ccb0239951eb65e0c….jpg)

They're delicious and great
She didn't take the bite!


File: 1590145511275.jpg (41.98 KB, 542x675, angry burg.jpg)

Stahp it sushi, angry burg is the only burg


File: 1590148788262.png (622.36 KB, 486x750, grub.png)

You cannot stop me, g/u/rl.


File: 1590174003404.jpg (229.9 KB, 893x895, 1490856856110.jpg)


I don't like hambagah


But do you like salisbury steak?


File: 1590485908666-0.png (1.33 MB, 1191x1670, borger.png)

File: 1590485908666-1.gif (1.73 MB, 474x268, eeting.gif)

all don


File: 1590505386001.jpg (765 KB, 1260x893, 1558457424954.jpg)

loli love borgar


File: 1590512880841.jpg (825.44 KB, 900x900, 1570504384867.jpg)

loli haet pizza


Why is the loli naked


Due to overheating form the powerful head pat loli is currently receiving.


File: 1590518180188.jpeg (104.75 KB, 635x1000, ac530f0888fa8fb2034090390….jpeg)

I always eat my hamburgers in the nude


File: 1590638782052-0.jpg (2.43 MB, 1556x2000, 1dc4c97ff0efab679c619fea97….jpg)

File: 1590638782052-1.jpg (21.8 KB, 472x472, 2f2f24f75d5b7523282a7b33ff….jpg)

File: 1590638782052-2.jpg (3.23 MB, 3387x3035, 1558498180840.jpg)

I had a double cheeseburger with bacon today, it was so good…


File: 1590650812503.jpg (157.51 KB, 806x998, 1590527247318.jpg)


File: 1591846563224.webm (8.67 MB, 640x480, B5gg7YFJwmAMP41.webm)


File: 1592651233659.jpg (1.77 MB, 1200x1800, 76732743_p0.jpg)




File: 1593063911288.jpg (573.27 KB, 1332x2048, e42b66bb9bfb9bf30da0474836….jpg)



File: 1594304446668.png (14.49 KB, 294x339, yuna_pixel_burger.png)




File: 1696068009958.jpg (178.22 KB, 651x1200, F7DSqaHbIAANV0c.jpg)


File: 1696083647248.jpg (1.61 MB, 1700x2300, 456b3afcb957bf3d80e6d0602b….jpg)


File: 1706922285766-0.jpg (150.21 KB, 1200x1230, 4b3e7783ef6edd6ffe324aada3….jpg)

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File: 1706922285766-3.png (331.9 KB, 583x800, 85a28d09c1041917b582ee5ab3….png)

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