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/kawaii/ - cute things


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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1737463831036.png (985.12 KB, 756x1008, 1737121804739158.png)


shh.. doll is eep


File: 1737466394591.jpg (247.62 KB, 1366x2048, GdDPA3CaQAAfhTr.jpg)



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File: 1739002355843.jpg (2.45 MB, 2000x2664, DollSnacks.jpg)

Doll is snacking


cute outfit


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piyo piyo


File: 1739219565132.jpg (1006.6 KB, 2168x2911, IMG_20250210_091431_1.jpg)

Chillin' with the mons.


what model is that? she is the cutest!


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It's a Sakura Doll 100cm model. I found it on AliExpress through Estartek's storefront. It's a fabric doll, so she fits really well with my existing plush collection, I even thought it was just a plushie prior to buying it.


I like how happy she looks! I feel like there should be more smiling dolls.


Absolutely agreed! Most of my collection are happy little rag dolls, so smiling dolls are my thing. It makes them feel warm(er) and friendlier.


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File: 1739398839190-1.jpeg (292.8 KB, 2048x1533, GN6zSiHa8AAWKJu.jpeg)


I suddenly want a soft fluffy doll now that I can cuddle with and rock to sleep.


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File: 1739780512829-0.jpg (1.42 MB, 1215x2048, Gj4lPIlbwAEqsOa.jpg)

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earrape warning


File: 1739951608796.jpg (Spoiler Image, 226.23 KB, 1541x2048, GkEglfXaAAAwirU.jpg)

this doll cannot behave!


what kind of doll is that? There are no ball joints


File: 1739989687538-0.jpg (95.08 KB, 800x1200, GbTmwoza0AA_nlp.jpg)

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File: 1739989687539-3.jpg (1.6 MB, 2595x2747, Gfzvy0LbwAACiSc.jpg)

these are life-sized custom sex dolls by @croissantdoll on x.


>custom sex dolls


File: 1740004755485.webm (7.86 MB, 672x960, evangelion.webm)

whats stopping you from making a thread you want to see?


File: 1740006577701-0.jpg (170.19 KB, 1184x1776, GkKCsivaUAAEOE3.jpg)

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i just like sharing my little obsessions! the issue is that no one else gives a fuck about sushi so my interests dominate the board


How many dolls have you cummed inside?




File: 1740036116612.jpg (Spoiler Image, 394.12 KB, 1200x1600, GdYcYByaMAA4lqI.jpg)



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Comb your girl's hair man!


File: 1740092132155.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.08 MB, 4096x2731, 1738259281209954.jpg)

it looks so wonderful but it also must be so cold.

that sums up my experience with real girls


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File: 1740167845142-2.jpg (129 KB, 853x1280, and then it repeats.jpg)


File: 1740175546764.jpg (2.1 MB, 1417x2048, GkT-h84WQAAj16l.jpg)

:3 little one


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File: 1740178457956-1.jpg (1.3 MB, 1409x2048, GkNqDJsWEAAQI2A.jpg)

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File: 1740224619449-1.jpeg (65.93 KB, 450x680, 34C18425-606C-4453-811B-2….jpeg)

>these are life-sized custom sex dolls by @croissantdoll on x.
Oh that makes sense. Ew Xitter, I can't even get the site to work half the time. I thought it was a small doll because the scissors looked miniature. I for a while now had been wondering why there are no small dolls tI could find hat use the same techniques of a silicone or TPE outer with a skeleton inside or something. I've considered picking up doll making as a hobby some day.

Not necessarily. Love doll makers sometimes also make dolls without "tunnels" and they are called display dolls but often any life size doll is used for display purposes regardless of details like that.

Aw a little travel companion.


File: 1740382915812.jpg (Spoiler Image, 258.69 KB, 2250x4000, 1740100013774623.jpg)



File: 1740683940467.jpg (153.64 KB, 960x1280, V.jpg)


now that i know about doll cunny its my lifes ambition to own one


you are welcome


File: 1740780324611-0.jpg (165.97 KB, 900x1200, GD1HZeLawAAl2EQ.jpg)

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File: 1740780644834-0.jpg (389.35 KB, 1536x2048, Gi8p7niawAEgPx5.jpg)

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youre my favorite poster on this site.
exactly my thoughts.


File: 1740790513413.jpg (129.54 KB, 852x1280, miau.jpg)


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File: 1740877516607.jpg (248.79 KB, 1000x726, DollStream.jpg)

Doll is watching isekai slop


This was posted by the serial killer that took out sushistreamer and AWA. The murderer is taunting us!


File: 1741044340453.jpg (257.32 KB, 1440x1920, Gc_ZMPgbkAACQ8F.jpg)


File: 1741091240915.jpg (1.55 MB, 5712x4284, IMG_5122_04-03-25_13-24.jpg)

The one at the center is behind the slaughter.


File: 1741124967876-0.jpg (127.81 KB, 2048x1365, GgK-TXKaMAANoWI.jpg)

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File: 1741125432913.jpg (250.01 KB, 2048x1536, Gclhw2TbkAADOPT.jpg)

I look at her and my vbrations improve!! ;D


File: 1741337425144.jpg (451.87 KB, 1536x2048, GlZLrf_bIAA__O0.jpg)


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File: 1741379314896-2.jpg (295.96 KB, 1600x900, 1510669658688.jpg)

I love plushies so much. the fumo threads on /jp/ used to be nice until zoomers found out about fumos.


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BJD is cool. it's really too bad I have no money.


File: 1741627807397.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.64 MB, 2607x3476, GlR1pZKa4AEBJ8f.jpg)

oh i want to cuddle with her forever!!


File: 1741629574768.png (558.71 KB, 480x780, yukanako.png)

Amazing thread, thank you for all these images. Super cute!!!

I'm sorry for being a zoomer… I hope this image can make up for it a little.


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File: 1741654765924.jpg (1.18 MB, 1899x3343, IMG_20250304_121439_1.jpg)

Brought my buddy along for a trip out of town. I was nervous at first, but she was nice to have around.


File: 1741710789232-0.jpg (914.34 KB, 4096x2730, GlkGFVdaIAAzp_I.jpg)

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i love the doll in the middle. so serene…

look at these. how happy these seemingly lifeless objects are ~


awww, that's cute

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