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/kawaii/ - cute things


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File: 1736380952273.jpg (331.67 KB, 2048x1428, GgxIQfcaUAAAVve.jpg)


brown girls and feet


brown girls are cute but feet are not


File: 1736391977680.jpg (179.79 KB, 1299x1890, GZLOAtgbsAA55_N.jpg)


File: 1736412481744-0.png (1.71 MB, 1001x1400, cc79f367fab7aad665d69b829a….png)

File: 1736412481744-1.jpg (49.54 KB, 678x1000, 8b24aa4ab206e6439f104ead05….jpg)

File: 1736412481744-2.jpg (695.45 KB, 1100x1556, 0570a84841ad0318423c3726a9….jpg)

File: 1736412481744-3.jpg (95.35 KB, 866x1200, 27c9852d58983500c515325c83….jpg)


then simply post brown girls from tights up? whats up with complaining…


File: 1736420455993-0.jpg (88.86 KB, 650x919, 592f2475df1f990cad8cc50b89….jpg)

File: 1736420455993-1.png (601.17 KB, 840x1310, b902fb1d8ed05d93fc61e16b4a….png)

They are pretty, elegant and can be presented in a cute manner.
It's an acquired taste.


File: 1736445614064-0.jpg (2.51 MB, 6989x5002, __mayta_suisei_no_garganti….jpg)

File: 1736445614064-1.jpg (639.81 KB, 2174x2090, __bon_indie_virtual_youtub….jpg)

What a glorious thread!


File: 1736445650931-0.jpg (91.45 KB, 850x1209, __original_drawn_by_koki08….jpg)

File: 1736445650931-1.jpg (142.01 KB, 850x1373, __isuress_indie_virtual_yo….jpg)

Two more I have saved for such an occasion…


File: 1736448965673.jpg (Spoiler Image, 895.69 KB, 1036x1357, c97ab7b61e8d352f5627842018….jpg)


File: 1736779787918.jpg (412.48 KB, 1638x2048, GgYlgMvagAA-Ui4.jpg)

goated manga


File: 1736789008316.jpg (107.14 KB, 850x1223, 24e4f1b666a1b70a858572e924….jpg)

No they are not! And those feet look like deformed hands.


File: 1736791281248-0.png (1.22 MB, 1000x1333, 344058ebc8adba8cf9e87df00e….png)

File: 1736791281248-1.png (2.1 MB, 1280x1920, c0737fc8ae40269c7aece7222a….png)

Maybe hands in general are mutated feet. Have you considered that?


File: 1736793699029-0.jpg (3 MB, 3000x4000, 52d7a212ea625faf52731c16a3….jpg)

File: 1736793699029-1.jpg (2.52 MB, 3000x4000, 3cc60f6b48edecc9a5323e4bc6….jpg)


File: 1736795315577-0.jpeg (5.53 MB, 5000x4000, 748adb08925259bb6c1902ac1….jpeg)

File: 1736795315577-1.jpg (1.97 MB, 3000x4000, 21db9d9f943e68a35f8d275f09….jpg)

File: 1736795315577-2.jpg (806.24 KB, 2000x2000, 5ae080d2d64a81081f4d80174b….jpg)

this thread is for (brown ∧ girl) ∨ feet


File: 1736800128498-0.jpg (419.46 KB, 1203x1973, @yosihiki.jpg)

File: 1736800128498-1.jpg (331.9 KB, 1462x2048, @omkuros.jpg)

File: 1736800128498-2.jpg (439.31 KB, 2508x3541, @sino24tsuki.jpg)

Thanks for clarifying, OP


File: 1736952943787-0.jpg (276.41 KB, 666x922, 4bc50891f9dcd60e7bb1fd60e8….jpg)

File: 1736952943787-1.jpg (220.49 KB, 962x2048, Ge7gl0AbkAAEaYN.jpg)

File: 1736952943787-2.png (294.98 KB, 1382x1714, GQlqAABXUAALAfv.png)

File: 1736952943787-3.jpg (583.86 KB, 2126x2008, GQk2L-OakAE_m3Z.jpg)


File: 1736965011336.png (4.23 MB, 2590x3623, ab037de5cd98f9b8c88a17d6b6….png)

callng Rupa brown is wrong… she is just South Asian


File: 1736968438220.jpg (705.24 KB, 2250x3500, 649deca1d1d79dd0eaf2c9e212….jpg)

Where do you think South Asia is…


File: 1736969564796.png (2.08 MB, 1691x2478, Kaai.Yuki.full.4046278.png)

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