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/kawaii/ - cute things


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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1483994739435-0.jpg (396.97 KB, 700x990, lin1.jpg)

File: 1483994739435-1.jpg (186.15 KB, 416x591, lina2.jpg)

File: 1483994739435-2.png (302.12 KB, 480x640, lina4.png)

File: 1483994739435-3.jpg (442.97 KB, 2000x1125, slayers1.jpg)


This is Lina. She sometimes is a pain in the ass, burning me and using me as a distraction for naughty orcs, but I still stick with her. We are partners in crime and we will get your treasures as well.

t. Naga the Serpent


File: 1483995343261-0.png (571.37 KB, 842x888, 28ff439fab5e65732d0cfafcd9….png)

File: 1483995343261-1.png (241.1 KB, 657x1235, 3e7c78a183e6debcb1c14f90aa….png)

File: 1483995343261-2.png (110.06 KB, 960x800, 220a285828fdbe8b1d826a1d8f….png)

File: 1483995343261-3.jpg (400.34 KB, 1300x1824, 9a5ffa63d431ef4f1d3125a54a….jpg)


File: 1483995648688-0.jpg (1.11 MB, 1000x1170, flatchested_lina_and_me.jpg)

File: 1483995648688-1.jpg (302.91 KB, 1108x1500, grand success.jpg)

File: 1483995648688-2.jpg (80.8 KB, 640x720, eat_ice.jpg)

File: 1483995648688-3.jpg (811.14 KB, 1000x1419, posing1.jpg)

She is so helpless. I always have to save the day!


File: 1483996646920-0.jpg (72.12 KB, 423x600, 9f4ad9c608ab1b816cb317d75d….jpg)

File: 1483996646920-1.jpg (268.19 KB, 1200x1524, 8c3fa259f088a3c9d46a74a342….jpg)

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NAGA~ uhh this noisy woman.

the great Lina Inverse


File: 1483997215767.jpg (985.35 KB, 1639x2295, amelia wil tesla seyruun.jpg)

Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun has her entrance!


File: 1484657542539-0.png (195.75 KB, 869x1200, lina_with_ice_at_the_beach.png)

File: 1484657542539-1.jpg (918 KB, 1048x1066, party.jpg)

File: 1484657542539-2.jpg (70.8 KB, 640x720, amelia_wil_tesla_seyruun_i….jpg)

File: 1484657542539-3.png (1.79 MB, 1041x1051, bursting_with_saturation.png)


File: 1484657611006-0.jpg (541.67 KB, 1024x1000, lina_with_blob.jpg)

File: 1484657611006-1.jpg (383.7 KB, 601x850, fire-ball.jpg)

File: 1484657611006-2.jpg (380.17 KB, 855x1200, amelia_is_determined.jpg)

File: 1484657611006-3.jpg (130.19 KB, 617x813, god_this_outfit.jpg)


File: 1572667474321.jpg (89.64 KB, 442x840, Lina.jpg)


File: 1572700616403.jpg (459.46 KB, 1280x1364, 5d6.jpg)


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File: 1574722090453-2.jpg (299.45 KB, 680x676, carrying_amelia.jpg)

Honestly, I think Lina is pretty hawt.

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