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File: 1724270503634.jpg (1.32 MB, 1800x1500, GVQrJgmb0AAarCx.jpg)


best show ever!


File: 1724270530976-0.jpg (1.34 MB, 1000x1778, GT4Rd5uWgAE4NhS.jpg)

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File: 1724270720738-1.jpg (172.47 KB, 1200x1196, GVCFoYRagAAN9xg.jpg)

get a room!


File: 1724270766861-0.jpg (168.05 KB, 1005x1700, GVb15NuaMAADq9e.jpg)

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File: 1724490732832-3.jpg (206.23 KB, 1529x2048, GTSqNp9a0AAr9Cb.jpg)

i am totally not obsessed. this show and the artists contributions are just so good


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File: 1724490769012-1.jpg (578.77 KB, 2000x1500, GVq4sqXaYAAQPTm.jpg)

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File: 1725210534944-0.png (13.8 MB, 2487x3734, __kawaragi_momoka_girls_ba….png)

File: 1725210534944-1.jpg (490.21 KB, 630x1003, 59574ae15a0b47048f72315a1b….jpg)

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File: 1725817090535-1.jpg (223.85 KB, 1270x1806, GU_dre-a4AE9OaA.jpg)

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File: 1725817507337-3.jpg (4.19 MB, 2894x4093, 87860cd38334107697028712a5….jpg)


pornographic material…


File: 1725909092195-0.jpg (69.34 KB, 760x659, 91d5094914f0dde86d310202ad….jpg)

File: 1725909092195-1.jpg (576.26 KB, 1000x833, eb5e5621582f1ab90628617c14….jpg)

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File: 1725909092195-3.jpg (484.84 KB, 900x973, ac547a49507af46f2df797accf….jpg)



>Do not reupload
>Do not use
I'm gonna report you to the police out of spite for not making this thread in /lewd/ so I could contribute the only picture I have related to this show.

You know the one.


File: 1725917480006.jpg (160.35 KB, 1384x2048, GWeWPm4WEAA0bTt.jpg)

i want to share my love for gbc with the whole sushiworld! and lewd is unfortunately a small audience


File: 1725917810753-0.jpg (775.12 KB, 2150x3035, 8596fd8ebbd89e9497e3292b0a….jpg)

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long haired rupa…


File: 1727201753846-0.jpg (829.08 KB, 1299x2100, f742ef443941f6c38eaca92409….jpg)

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File: 1727201753846-2.png (946.55 KB, 1748x2480, 5287909c8a11062a45027dbd5d….png)

File: 1727201753846-3.jpg (1.03 MB, 1420x2480, 1c091f839d52c6b0dffbafb93b….jpg)


Very nice puffy suckable nipples but this isn't /lewd/


File: 1727571906590-0.jpg (571.85 KB, 1637x2048, __awa_subaru_girls_band_cr….jpg)

File: 1727571906590-1.jpg (4.69 MB, 2894x4093, __iseri_nina_kawaragi_momo….jpg)

File: 1727571906590-2.png (2.8 MB, 2252x3682, __awa_subaru_girls_band_cr….png)

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File: 1727571931370-0.png (1.87 MB, 2212x4443, __kawaragi_momoka_girls_ba….png)

File: 1727571931370-1.png (1.75 MB, 2212x4443, __iseri_nina_girls_band_cr….png)

File: 1727571931370-2.jpg (326.04 KB, 1748x2480, __kawaragi_momoka_girls_ba….jpg)

File: 1727571931370-3.jpg (311.83 KB, 1252x2048, __iseri_nina_girls_band_cr….jpg)


Nina was such an annoying gremlin. I love her, lol.


File: 1727966107692-0.jpg (234.36 KB, 1535x2318, GX6T7nCaUAEjRJ0.jpg)

File: 1727966107692-1.jpg (266.22 KB, 1535x2197, GYELNSlb0AM641e.jpg)

File: 1727966107692-2.jpg (414.96 KB, 1535x2215, GYweIaQbQAIZTPW.jpg)

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File: 1728497442005-3.jpg (1.42 MB, 2897x4096, GPN69GjaIAAyIqR.jpg)


File: 1728497470000-0.jpg (1.04 MB, 2896x4096, GZb96Z7aAAAGFvA.jpg)

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File: 1728497470000-3.jpg (1.4 MB, 2896x4096, GV-h__eW0AAcjp5.jpg)

too cute..!


i have just realized that i will never "babe look at me… this isnt you" Nina as she is about to throw a fit.

why. even. live.


File: 1729111059541-0.jpg (1.12 MB, 1200x1200, GYyyPZDbkAAfbMs.jpg)

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happy birthday dummie


File: 1729756983223-0.jpg (1.93 MB, 2650x4096, __iseri_nina_girls_band_cr….jpg)

File: 1729756983223-1.jpg (805.36 KB, 3387x4096, __iseri_nina_girls_band_cr….jpg)

File: 1729756983224-2.jpg (7.92 MB, 2326x3695, __iseri_nina_girls_band_cr….jpg)


File: 1729784517700-0.jpg (6.32 MB, 3008x4000, 1000007208.jpg)

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File: 1729784517700-2.jpg (257.07 KB, 1506x1652, __iseri_nina_and_hina_girl….jpg)

its a coincidence but got myself a guitar on my wife's birthday. i will learn all her songs


she's gorgeous (the guitar and your wife)!

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