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/hell/ - internet death cult


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File: 1495584797137.jpg (39.25 KB, 636x651, 1491121739211.jpg)


>my girlfriend is a slave to her family
>the apartment I live in is run down and full of druggies that make it impossible to know what peace and quiet is
>i can't find a job and am wasting time on imageboards
>i hate my life
>too much of a pussy to kill myself though
>however i am getting closer and closer each passing day to doing it


File: 1495630464123.jpg (9.39 KB, 260x260, sadpanda.jpg)

you need hentai in your life


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>my girlfriend is a slave to her family
>the apartment I live in is run down and full of druggies that make it impossible to know what peace and quiet is
>i can't find a job and am wasting time on imageboards

I understand this pain all too well.


File: 1495699671843.png (10.21 KB, 234x149, livinginitaly.png)

I always wonder if I can learn something from the image to you just posted or if it is just a spicy meme.
I mean, happy days are nice but if they are long gone, they are gone. How can it help to remember them?

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