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/hell/ - internet death cult


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File: 1495381057979.jpg (5.75 KB, 300x168, 1465955693830.jpg)


What's the best way to conceal masturbating in church?


File: 1495393939932.jpg (117.3 KB, 544x450, dump-refuse-generational-c….jpg)

be a ghost


File: 1495424813524.jpg (45.5 KB, 1140x516, rollsafe.jpg)

howabout don't?
are you really that sexually frustrated that you can't wait until you get home?? or are you one of those crazy sexual deviants???


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Become a priest.


Say you're possessed by the devil and jerk it in front of everyone. Nothing like hiding in plain sight.


Depending on your age you can get the priest to do it for you


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Wait until singing time. Hallelujah!


This one would be hilariously good.

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