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/hell/ - internet death cult


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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1493268513619.jpg (14.75 KB, 300x300, 1491353951043.jpg)


Life is kinda boring.


File: 1493398010017.webm (4.09 MB, 640x480, honking nazis.webm)

it's only as interesting as you make it sushi roll


Some time ago a guy told me something I didn't understand and crossed the street running and almost got it by a bus.

This is an interesting life stuff thread now.


I ran across the street once and almost got hit by a bus pulling out of the bus lane. I didn't say anything to anyone beforehand, though.


i almost hit someone running across the street when i was driving a bus,


Where is that character from, OP?


File: 1502422280651.jpg (58.87 KB, 600x676, 1502385845413.jpg)

My Hero Academia.

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