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/hell/ - internet death cult


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File: 1486487951410.png (1.14 MB, 1108x756, Chocolate Yes.png)


I took a really big shit today, it felt pretty good.


taking a massive shit is one of true pleasures of life.


File: 1493773052167.jpg (184.08 KB, 935x600, dream_ff453f172f.jpg)

brb taking massive shit


File: 1493773387211.jpg (156.1 KB, 604x596, dream_dd577302b0.jpg)

it was 6.4/10


You should have taken a picture


fml I always get incomplete evacuation and the bunny tail effect

I've given up and only take a shit before taking a shower because I would have to wipe endlessly otherwise


Do you guys take probiotics? People always talk about their benefits to health and stuff, but I think that the #1 benefit from them is amazing shits. You could put my turds on display, enter them in a competition and they'd get #1 feces.


I don't and my shits are the worst and make me want to kill myself. Which probiotics do you take?

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