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/hell/ - internet death cult


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how do you deal with overthinking?


masturbation seems to cure it. otherwise i just cant sleep all night. i need something that will overwhelm the rational mind. and fapping beats drinking and getting high when you need to sleep.


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i go on a walk to clear head


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Counting. It's really hard to think of anything else when you're counting. See how high you can count, slowly, rhythmically, one number every second.


but i cant count in the middle of a conversation sushi :(


Sure you can! Just tap your finger on something. Maybe you can't count very high with that, but keeping a simple 1-2-3-4 rhythm does the same.


i had a very Not Fun attack because of something someone said but next time ill do this <3 thank you for the idea i hadnt thought of this myself ily


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Very poorly.




I have the opposite problem. I rarely think, but I still feel worn away by the pains of living.

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