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/hell/ - internet death cult


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File: 1479483512878.jpg (90.69 KB, 840x560, north-korea-v-south-korea.jpg)


Great North Korea has now stealth mode to be prepared against extraterrestrial invaders. Finally people can live in calm and peace again.


didn't they always have stealth mode?


Until it's day time.


File: 1479670621321.png (322.25 KB, 650x508, tumblr_od5vvgWHSo1r8asibo1….png)

With incredible optimism and determinition, the Working Party and our Supreme Leader devised this way of cloaking from all celestial invaders! North Korea is first country to fully deploy stealth mode!


File: 1479670902505.jpg (15.4 KB, 650x533, Supreme Leader.jpg)

This is now Supreme Leaders thread!


The plankton in the sea next to them glows brighter than they do.

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