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/hell/ - internet death cult


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Another useless thread, sorry.


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no, that's a good question


Is anyone stopping you besides yourself?


The painful memories of all the times it happened.


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I'm not the best person to ask because I'm pretty much the best at everything(poetic irony) but any such memories I just develop a righteous indignation at everything that happened outside my actions and then harbor a deep hope in humanity and circumstance that it won't happen again, then I trust the science that a lightning never hits the same place twice (except in those rare times it does).

Did that help? If not please accept this pic of sexy detective lady.


Habit. You're not used to acting the way you want. If you want to act a certain way, you have to consciously remind yourself before you act, so you can reinforce that behavior.


That's a good advice, thanks. I guess as with anything first notice the pattern, then work on changing it.


Because your fantasies or theories about yourself aren't real you. It's fairly difficult to behave in a prescribed way down to a T at the very least, generally people fall into habits like the other sushi said. Not sure if "reminding" works, more like it will boost your self-awareness and it's really a habit itself, meaning it has to be learned somehow. Habits are different from thoughts.


OP, seems like Psycho-Cybernetics is a book for you.


You just need more practice


This didn't need it's own thread, you're not contributing anything.


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do we have like a finite amount of new threads?
pretty much this


My theory is that there is no "intrinsic" personality but that it only exists in the context of who you are around (or no one of that is the case). So is it really an issue? Only if you feel like you are hiding something, but otherwise I wouldn't stress about it!

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