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I need some advice on how I can be MORE effeminate instead of vice versa—I'm a man and also straight. Whether it be books, skin care routines, or whatever can help me "get in touch with my femininity" or whatever that's called, feel free to comment!
>Trying to improve my hygiene
>Trying to lose weight
These are the only things I'm doing right now but I believe there's more, so yeah


Sun screen. Watch girlie self care videos and follow the advice. Get into rightwing arab edtwt.


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>female trait
S-sushi, I hate to be a breaker of bad news…


You forgot to sag…


No, you're right! Hygiene is a basic human right, not a privilege. I didn't phrase myself correctly
I just wanted to emphasize that I really want to commit to being pretty, clean, and pretty clean. Sorry about the confusion


Own cuter things! Color coordinate! Enjoy some pinks and tans and whites


Shave body hair and moisturize your skin.. soft. Skin care generally is specific to each person. What works for one might not work for another so you'll need some amount of trial and error.

Also, with weight loss, you might be interested in gaining fat in the "right places" maybe look for work out guides on how to improve your but and hips.

Reading lots of Yuri is my personal thing.


How should I go about shaving my body hair? I can't decide tbh


I recommend trimming areas like chest, and shaving pits.


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Alternatively, if you want to keep your body hair or are just so hairy it would be a huge pain to remove it, make sure to spend a good amount of time exfoliating with a first a rough and then a fine-grained sponge or loofah. If you're hairy it can be easier to not notice how much dust and grime you accumulate, but it's not at all dirty, as some people like to think. Make sure not to strip away all the natural oil though, since it keeps body hair soft and fluffy just like it does for head hair. This is why people use beard oil and stuff. Speaking of facial hair, if you have one, make sure to keep the skin under it well-exfoliated as well since you can get dead skin and dandruff buildup there even if you don't have it on your head. I recommend one of those exfoliating gloves made of loofah material to get at spots under longer hair or between folds in your face.

If you have calluses on your skin from working and stuff also make sure to keep those moisturized and exfoliated but don't try to remove them or grind them down. Healthy thick skin doesn't look any different from thin skin, though it's a bit squishy to the touch. If you know women in the military or the trades they will often have calluses in the same places as men in those jobs, but it's not as obvious because they just tend to be exposed to skincare knowledge from a younger age. Ask any women you know about skincare and hair care. You don't have to tell them the whole reasoning, just say you're curious or want to try it yourself if they ask why. From what I've seen most are usually very happy to talk about these things.

The location where actual fat is gained and lost is mostly based on genetics but yes, if you aren't Mr. Bones or Arnold low-body-fat then gaining some muscle around your blessed assurance can help fill out your bottom half. Just general leg day stuff. Squats, lunges leg presses and deadlifts are good lifts to hit multiple muscle groups, and I like doing leg curls and leg extensions for the hammies and quads respectively. Almost everybody appreciates nice shapely calves as well so it's good to work on those too, though in my experience the best workout for calves is unfortunately just being fat.

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