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/hell/ - internet death cult


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Remember to keep it cozy!

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How do we stack up gang?


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Not too well it seems, but i am happy
I'll probably get a job soon


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uwah this one is really normal, scary!
don't come too close! It could be contagious!


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I didn't realize I was so surrounded by the evil normals!


You better watch out!
I might invite you to a new years eve house party, and give you a big old hug after smokan the weeds together.
Might even gives you lotsa compliments, the horror and huge manatee!


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File: 1647728182403.png (710.61 KB, 720x690, normo.png)

like half of these happened within the last 6 months. i made it fellers B)


File: 1647746933849.jpg (21.22 KB, 720x690, lllll.jpg)

so close


what the heck happened to your image lol


wow, not sure how that happened


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Haaaa I didn't realize I coulda been a normalfag if conversation wasn't pain on ice.
Heh. Formal nag.
Good job fag I am proud of u
Neat glitchery


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I literally don't fill any of those…


I bow to your superiority


winner winner chicken dinner


i was about to complain about this content being toxic to the site until i clicked reply and saw the board




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I don't live with my parents anymore but they still pay for all my room and board so I don't really feel like that counts


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I wish to make a revision of the board, c4 is impossible.


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Ow-ow-ouchies, my normsicles…


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yeah that's right, get outta here!


I'm sorry, I'm a little dumb - which one is C4?


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I'm in basically the opposite situation - I live with my dad, but I pay half the rent and we pretty much live as roommates. In any case, it feels like I moved out of my parents' house ever since I moved away from my mom.


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Uhh… oops <<;


Looks like we got ourselves a normie over here!


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Please proceed to the cross.


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So i am a normal fag eh?
Kind of like the idea of that.


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IDK mate, you want some help getting off that cross?


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some of these are kind of iffy but I included them anyways


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Not sure if an improvement from last time I played, but at this point "Lost virginity", "had a relationship that lasted at least 1yr", and "can make conversation easily" are the only other ones I care about getting anyway. I don't need promiscuity, drugs, 10+ friends, and sports/parties to feel normal.


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2 in a row baby


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I'm OP and that's the sort of outlook I was hoping people would have, like, you shouldn't make hitting all of them a life goal or anything. I posted this more because I was curious about the sorts of experiences that sushis have had, I wasn't trying to make anyone feel bad.


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Couldn't even get a bingo


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You guys are joking, right?


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I don't know that team sport should count since I was a kid and basically everybody played T-ball/softball. Honestly my favorite part was sitting on the bench talking to my friend and when other (more athletic) kids used my bat and had success with it.

I went to one concert with friends in high school, but every one since then has been with family.

What does 'held at least one birthday party' even mean? Like threw a party for someone else?

My parents have said they're proud, but I can't help still feeling like I'm lukewarm at best. Maybe I'm too hard on myself.

I don't generally care much about my body, but my weight isn't too bad I don't think.

I may have been exposed to secondhand haze at that concert in high school, but I don't think that counts.

On New Years I'm kind of alone with family. I'm up at midnight every night, so that's nothing special, the snacks aren't that great, plus I don't drink so champagne is also out. Also I just generally find it to be a meaningless holiday so I choose to just use my time off as if it were any regular weekend (watching TV and posting on obscure chan-like boards).

tl;dr functional recluse


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This thread is making me think how it is difficult growing up in an era of slowing prosperity. After the second world war there was an economic boom and it was, so the story goes, easier to get a good career and own your own home. Now it isn't as possible to do that, so there are many people who compare themselves to their parents who could and did own their own homes, but for whom its unrealistic to do so themselves.
Is this how the world is?


normalfag sushi…


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Pretty much a wizard; as this only happened when I was like 12. Though I'm trying to change things I don't really know how to function.


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some of my problems stem from NEETing in a place where i didnt know the local language

on my 21st birthday i bought an onahole online to see how it felt like if that counts

i dont find wagieing tedious but its maybe because life is completely monotonous otherwise, i'm very anhedonic and lack desire or knowledge to do anything

you can take the hiki out of the home but you can't take the home out of the hiki…


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I feel like I have almost everything figured out with the exception of romantic/sexual relationships. (conversation I checked because I find it easy to connect with those in and tangent to my interests/job/education but people off the street I am hopeless with. also didn't check birthdays/new year because I'm generally with family and felt like that wasn't the intent of the box.) I know we joke about being autistic on IBs but honest to god I think I probably am because all of my development in that area has been so late. Going out with someone I really like right now though, moving slow but happy. Maybe the school dance this year ://)


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I used to be more sociable and outgoing but since I finished Uni I became a lot more recluse. In total vs last decade.


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im in between being a shut in virgin and having an actual social life. like i have friends and have gone out with people but im also just home most of the time doing nothing


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Haven't had a girl say she loves me but my crush did tell me she really liked me


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At least I am godlike and pure with my virginity intact


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I didn't realize how bad it was. I'm ever approaching a 1 year relationship, though, and we'll probably take one another's virginity in due time.

I only recently quit all social media. I'm not really a good judge of my being fat or not because of some mental health issues, but I'm pretty objectively not in shape anymore.

I've held one birthday party when I was really little but not a single person came. I almost got to play baseball in highschool but my dad wouldn't let me. My parents aren't proud of me but there's nobody in more disappointed with than them so I don't care.

Really the only ones I care about that aren't just going to happen if things keep going the way they are are moving out and getting into shape. Need to do something about both of those ASAP.


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>I didn't realize how bad it was.
I mean, I don't think it's bad to not hit these targets. These are just the original creator's idea of what a "normie" is like, but what defines a normal person or a normal life is subjective. in a way you can see these kinds of things as a Rorschach test where the creator looked into their surroundings and saw an idea of what their life "should have been like" and what milestones they "missed". You can find a dozen of these bingos with contradictory spaces because there is no essential answer to "what makes a normie a normie" outside of a subjective vibe.(I mean personally I don't think public sex or drug use are very normie, for instance)
I know it sucks when you really wanted something in your life and you wanted things to turn out a certain way and it doesn't work out, goodness knows that I know that, but I don't think it means something like you lived your life wrong or something. I'm worried that people are reading this thread that way (I'm op btw).
life is life, everyone lives a different one. imo the important thing is to put out into the world what you want to be there, be kind, and live a life that you can find happiness in.


File: 1665327723017.jpg (22.31 KB, 424x600, Iwakura.Lain.600.3182271.jpg)

You're right that was probably just some of my defeatism slipping through. As I said I actually don't care about most of the stuff on that list just kinda in a shit situation as it stands. Doing my best with what I have, though.


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I used to feel pretty lonely because I was homeschooled. But now I'm in college and I've been going to the gym and learning how to talk to people. I have even started talking to a girl! I guess that I shouldn't really look at this bingo as a bucket list though.


File: 1669320708057.webm (17.87 MB, 720x690, stupid_bingo.webm)

I hate this and I resent you for thinking any of these questions are interesting, but my religion requires that I fill in any form I see.


File: 1669387981568.jpg (324 KB, 1191x670, morning_walk_under_the_moo….jpg)

did you make that webm? that's pretty cool!
also, I'm sorry v_v
I was homeschooled for a few years when I was growing up and yeah, homeschooling does feel pretty lonely.


File: 1669403344407.gif (2.93 MB, 3000x2369, 1639433178466.gif)

It's an edit of this picture (I don't know the artist), but yeah I made the webm. Thanks, I was pleased with the mood.


That pic is strangely comfy. It is comfy and I like that alien-world setting. But it's clearly a managed, man-made landscape which make it lose comfy points.


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by clearing zero squares, i think this is the final push i needed to take my life seriously… or not


File: 1674249187265.png (1.51 MB, 1440x1380, 1674249146940.png)

I'll gtfo I guess


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I am jk with this post not trying to be uncomfy
But the thread just reminds me of this image lol


I'm going to save this image, if you don't mind


it's yours, my friend


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… as long as you have enough rupees!


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I had to do these things to survive.


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Only on places like 4chan or twitter would you find people making a bingo sheet to degrade others for having minor degrees of success in certain social areas that are irrelevant in the grander scheme of things.


It's not degrading, being a normalfag is a good thing. It just means you don't belong with all the failures reminding them of how much better you are.


Maybe I am a bad person but when I see the charts all filled out like this I get jealous and feel awful about all the things I'll never experience


u'r not autist nor true weeb. GTFO


Ur just a normie and ur JAELOUS of the wizord lyf.


File: 1683483641747.jpg (87.01 KB, 565x800, 1600078511476.jpg)

Man, I was busy doing a mod of this chart where I explained how many of these things are pointless.
But my energy is best spent somewhere else and just didn't do it in the end


I mean, I kinda already said that >>4072
honestly the whole thing is pointless, it's just a collection of experiences. nothing more.


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I'm so close


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Two of these have caveats of they where when I was under the age of 10 and thus did not have full autonomy over my life. I had parties as a kid and played field hockey as a kid.

Living the dream babyyy B)


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would've been more interesting if you had moved out of your parents and tried recreational drugs before you were 10


this image made me sad


damn, I got a bingo right through the middle.


File: 1687996201789.gif (5.42 MB, 540x304, ff7ddf7d9a5038238881a404e2….gif)

even if you don't get a single square I still love you <3
and now you have one!


File: 1717960090288.png (506.24 KB, 720x690, markup_1000005242.png)

Would never stick my dick in anyone from a bar or a club.


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I'm almost 30 wow this is pretty bad. Idk if I should be proud of myself or rope.


I am none of those sushis but this post still made me smile


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File: 1718459711824.png (510.38 KB, 720x690, Normalfagbingo-b.png)

I'm doing quite good. Now I just need to figure out how the whole hitting on people and do a relationship thingy works


File: 1718514798282.png (465.23 KB, 720x690, normalfag_bingo.png)

I'm doing alright I guess

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