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/hell/ - internet death cult


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Anyone else struggle with not being extremely off-putting in conversations? I feel like I'm constantly saying the wrong thing, or I crack jokes and then I just *feel* the atmosphere in the room darken. I legit can never tell when I'm being affable or disturbing, but I have noticed that people often avoid talking to me.


I know what you're talking about, like when words just "hang" in the air, right?
What kind of thing did you say?


Yes, you should probably get checked for autism. I can't afford a diagnosis but I strongly suspect that's my issue.


you're probably autistic
try and hang out with other autistic people you'll get along better


I don't even know what to say to people anymore, if I want to do some smalltalk. Most people seem to do this naturally but for me it seems like we're from different planets. Sometimes I suspect we are.


Just jokes about stuff that's happened to me or problems I have.

I've been evaluated for autism. I didn't meet the criteria for a diagnosis apparently.


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That's the problem, sushi roll. Joking about your problems/trauma/past as your main form of conversing can be a downer on the other party. A look into dialetics and interpersonal communication may prove useful.


I was never really good at this because of asperger's/autism, but now being in a working environment I feel particularly at a loss because my main coworker is almost 30 years older than me and has had normal life experiences and interests, and I've spent 14 years in relative hermitage since high school. Sometimes he'll tell me stuff, but I just don't really know how to respond or even mirror the situation because I have almost no experiences to draw comparison from.

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